Ducassse found not guilty of first degree murder

On October 3, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Ducassse found not guilty of first degree murder

Nadler Ducasse, age 20, was found not guilty of first degree murder at 12:35 p.m. today and guilty of the lesser charges of involuntary manslaughter and leaving the scene of an aaccident after death.

  The charges stem from an April 21 incident in Ducasse struck and killed Juan Castro Avelar, 15, of Everett. The Commonwealth claimed in its case that Ducasse intentionally struck the victims with his vehicle. Ducasse claimed it was an accident.

  The maximun sentance for involuntary manslaughter is 20 years. Ducasse is schuduled to be sentanced Nov. 7 before the Honorable Judge Issac Bornstein.


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