Aldermen go in for $2.2 million in spending spree

On October 14, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Aldermen approve mayor’s $2.2 million spending spree
By George P. Hassett

Aldermen last week approved the borrowing of over $2 million to buy new equipment for city departments such as the  Department of Public Works and the police department.

  The city will borrow $2,200,943 to fund various equipment expenditures in a capital bond. The city will purchase five police cruisers at $25,516 each, a $135,650 forestry truck and four Harley Davidson motorcycles at $17,112 each for the police department. One other department that will receive two new trucks is Traffic and Parking: a sign truck and a breakout truck, which removes concrete around street signs.
  The request for the money was initiated by Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and approved at a special  Board of Aldermen meeting Oct. 4. Curtatone spokesperson Thomas P. Champion said the request was made to acquire needed equipment before the upcoming winter season and to do so at a favorable rate. He said prices are expected to rise with the change of the rate cycle and the city wanted to save money on the necessary equipment while they could.
  He said once city officials have a better idea of the construction costs for the new Argenziano School they will revisit further equipment purchases.
  ‚ÄúThis is not the end of the capital budget process,‚Äù he said.
  Alderman-at-Large Denise Provost made five motions to decrease the amount spent but was voted down each time. 


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