Top cop accused of ethics violation

On November 10, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Top cop accused of ethics violation
By George P. HassettBreadley_ethics_pic

A food industry group filed a complaint last week with the state Ethics Commission over Acting Police Chief Robert R. Bradley’s television ad opposing ballot question 1.
   The group, the Massachusetts Food Association, said Bradley used his public office to promote his opposition to a ballot question calling for the sale of wine in grocery stores. Bradley has also participated in radio ads and Tuesday his picture appeared in a full page ad Boston Globe ad denouncing the proposal.

   ‚ÄúActing Chief Bradley clearly violated ethics laws by appearing in uniform, in his office promoting a question on the ballot,‚Äù said Kim Hinden spokesperson for the group. ‚ÄúIt was an abuse of power.‚Äù
   Hinden said it does not reflect well on the city to have its acting chief of police violating state laws. 
   City spokesperson Thomas P. Champion said the city had no knowledge of the ad until it aired and that Bradley did not do it during work hours.
   ‚ÄúThis is an area where Chief Bradley feels very strongly and there are lawyers on both sides arguing back and forth on the issue,‚Äù he said.
In the spot, Bradley is shown sitting in his office in uniform as he talks about the ballot question.
   ‚ÄúWhat it‚Äôs really about is doubling the amount of liquor licenses we have in the state,‚Äù Bradley says in the ad. ‚ÄúHere in the city of Somerville, we‚Äôll go from 26 to 46 licenses. It‚Äôs not just about supermarkets. It‚Äôs about convenience stores. It‚Äôs about gas station mini-marts being able to sell alcohol. That‚Äôs what we‚Äôre talking about here. Don‚Äôt be fooled by Question 1.‚Äù
   Champion said there is a range of financial penalties the Ethics Commission can impose on Bradley if they rule against him. But Hinden said Bradley has already misinformed the public and won the battle.
   ‚ÄúThe damage is done,‚Äù she said. ‚ÄúThe election is [Tuesday] and he has been out there telling voters this is a measure about putting beer in convenience stores and gas stations and it simply is not.‚Äù



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