News Talk for the week of Nov. 15

On November 15, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of Nov. 15

Seems that Ward Seven Alderman Bob Trane is very upset with the VNA as well as the Planning Department at City Hall – their proposed development up at the old Conwell School site was supposed to be 90 assisted living units – which was already approved.  Jim Kostaras of the Planning Department and Linda Cornell for the VNA decided to go ahead and change the plans and not let the Alderman or the neighbors know about it – now the plan calls for 60 assisted living units and 30 low-income units.   Alderman Bob Trane was quoted as saying ‚ÄúI was shocked to learn that Linda Cornell would make a major change of this magnitude and totally bypass the neighbors in the process.  I was further disappointed to learn that the Executive Director of Planning, Jim Kostaras, was aware of this change and said nothing to me so I could inform the neighbors.‚Äù            

The vacant Alderman at Large seat could come down to only 2 or 3 viable candidates in the running for the seat‚Ķthe Secular Progressives best hope is that there are various other factions in the city supporting various candidates so their candidate, Marty Martinez, can sail right in.  Remember folks, this is an at large vacant seat in a special election and when it‚Äôs a normal race you vote for a field of 4 citywide, so its easier to get elected, but this election will be in January citywide and little or no interest with a vast majority of 20,000 plus voters.  This election will be won on Election Day depending on the strength of the organization that has identified its votes and is experienced in pulling out their votes ‚Äì most likely by literally taking each person to the polls to vote.  Not many can put together an affective organization for election day other than the Mayor aka Stan Koty or the secular progressives and in a citywide fight it could be very interesting couldn‚Äôt it?    We know Jack Connolly is running and he would certainly be a favorite of the administration‚Ķalso definitely in the race is Ward 1 School Committee Member Maureen Bastardi, who has represented Ward 1 for a few years now.  Both Connelly and Bastardi have a ward base to draw from – now on the other side of the fence is the secular progressive ‚Äì who will be drawing from within their ranks and outside the city for campaign help.  This could be a test for next year‚Äôs municipal elections – if the Administration does well, it would make someone think twice before running – and if they don‚Äôt, it could prove to be dangerous.       
It’s official Рstraight from the source РJoe Lynch, well known and popular Magoun Square activist is not considering a run for the vacant Alderman at Large seat coming up, but wouldn’t comment on the possibility that he might run for Ward 5 Alderman against Sean O’Donovan in next year municipal elections Рwe think that’s going to be hard since Sean has more relatives on the city payroll and Joe doesn’t have any.
It‚Äôs the end of the legislative calendar and all business must be acted on before January 1st on the Board of Alderman or there could be a serious situation regarding the Maxpak site – the owners need to make a decision whether to put the zoning changes back on the table or start over in 2007.  We bet they have their Alderman Sean O‚ÄôD put it back on the table before January.    
Wow things are getting nasty down around the DPW yard‚Ķnow someone is slicing tires.    With all the cameras around inside the yard, you‚Äôd think maybe the Commissioner would consider installing them outside where a lot of the workers park?  Whoever did it probably knew they were just outside the cameras view in the yard‚Ķso has the ‚Äúhouse of hate‚Äù moved to DPW?
The Christmas season seems to start earlier and earlier every year – already the city has put up the decorations in the usual spots around the city and its not even Thanksgiving yet.  Lets see if the Mayor and the Administration are going to call it ‚ÄúChristmas‚Äù this year or ‚ÄúHoliday Season‚Äù?  As you have heard in all the major news media – a lot of the national stores are back to calling it ‚ÄúChristmas Season‚Äù ‚Äì it will be interesting to watch what happens here.      
We hear that Joe Mackey, former State Representative, and recently a candidate for State Senate, isn‚Äôt feeling well and had to go back into the hospital last week – we wish him well and a speedy return home – he is one of the good guys here in Somerville.   
Seems that Acting Chief Bob Bradley isn‚Äôt the only one moonlighting with commercials on TV lately ‚Äì it appears that Alderman at Large Dennis Sullivan is appearing in the Kidder Home Carbon Monoxide Sensor Alarm commercial that has been on TV all month long.  Dennis is seen mounting a detector on the wall in the commercial.  We wonder if they both had to join the ‚Äúscreen actors guild‚Äù‚Ķlets hope that Dennis is as successful as Chief Bradley for his efforts in the commercial.   
Congratulations to Al Baldassaro Sr., one of the owners of Mr. B‚Äôs Italian Restaurant on becoming one of the newest elected State Representatives for the Granite State of New Hampshire.  Al won by a large margin – he topped the ticket in the Primary – and oh yeah, he‚Äôs a Republican too.      
Billy Tauro, one of the owners of the newspaper and Pat’s Tow, has been keeping himself busy taking care of his mother who recently fell ill Рwe wish her a speedy recovery…also one of Billy’s brothers, Ronny, is very ill in the hospital as well Рwe send well wishes to the both of them and hopefully they will be up and about very soon.
Dot Gay sent word that she and her family are grateful for the outpouring of sympathy regarding the recent loss of her two brothers. Dot & Bert were very pleased to see so many people respond with flowers and cards and they both thank everyone for remembering them in their time of sorrow.    


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