News Talk for the week of Nov. 22

On November 22, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of Nov. 22

According to sources, a few more Police-Fire picket protests are scheduled for later on this month and next – we also heard that it might be set to coincide with the ‚ÄúChristmas‚Äù (Holiday?) lighting ceremony‚Ķif that‚Äôs true, it could prove to be a very interesting event.  With the raid of the DPW workers at Engine 7 on Monday we wonder what they were looking for?  Are things getting worse here in the city?       

You know that fancy fundraiser scheduled to be at the Rack on the 29th for Mayor Joe?  Rumor has it that it was cancelled because the owners of the Rack found out somehow that Joe‚Äôs new favorite friends – the Somerville Fire & Police unions – were going to picket him there and the Rack owners didn‚Äôt want the bad publicity‚Ķall that expensive mailing that went out and nice literature even with a union label on it, man we bet he‚Äôs pissed, and who says he doesn‚Äôt support unions?   
Congratulations to Mayor Joe for the huge pay raise – we think the Mayor of our city deserves it, he works hard, but according to the list of pay raises for non union workers, he was the big winner and most everyone else when said and done will receive far less then expected.    
Buying and testing a brand new Harley-Davison in Somerville might just be a reality sometime soon.  Rumor is that plans for a Somerville-based Harley dealership is being considered.  The plans would include a state of the art showroom, service-parts department and an outdoor test ride track.
Pat Norton of the paper was recently rushed to Lawrence-Memorial one night last week and a great bunch of medical personnel there referred her to the Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary, which after several tests did emergency operation on her eyes.  Again, thanks to the quickness of the medical staff over there in Medford, everything turned out fine.  Pat wanted to publicly thank both Lawrence Memorial and Mass Eye & Ear for doing a great job.
Bob Publicover is on the mend and was recently back from Arizona, where he was visiting his sister‚Ķwe think he needed to get some warm desert sun to help him recover from his recent medical situation.  You can‚Äôt keep Bob down – word has it he wants to see some ads – and we like the sound of that.
Officially we heard its true – Jack Connolly is going to seek the vacant Alderman At Large seat, along with Marty Martinez – the Secular Progressive candidate.  This should prove to be interesting‚Ķtwo so called ‚ÄúProgressives‚Äù – Jack and Marty – and then there is Maureen Bastardi, who is still thinking seriously about running‚Ķwe also heard Mary Jo Rossetti from Ward 7 is thinking about it as well.  We even heard a faint rumor that Bill Shelton was considering‚Ķthat would make it very interesting wouldn‚Äôt it?

We heard from one of our progressive News Talkers that Marty Martinez will have access to the full array of progressive resources in his campaign for alderman. We have been told he will even use state Rep. Carl Sciortino’s office, which begs the question, who will be using Stan Koty’s office?


The Somerville Divestment Project elevated the level of discussion in this city. We encourage them to go back to the planet Mars, consult with their leaders and to go pick on another city. Bye bye divestment project.

Keep an eye on Ward 7 Alderman Bob Trane. We‚Äôve been telling you for weeks now that there are plans for a coup d‚Äô etat for President of the Board of Alderman. Bob is Vice President and expects to be elevated to the presidency but rumors abound that Ward 1 Alderman Bill Roche has his eyes on the prize.   


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