Somerville home sends holiday cheer to troops

On December 21, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

House_pic_1Somerville home sends holiday cheer to troops
By George P. Hassett

The Medford Street home is clean and well maintained — that is if you can see past the multi-colored lights, singing snowmen and a patriotic Santa Clause.
   For 16 years, Marco Soares has lavishly decorated his home to celebrate everything from the holiday season to a Super Bowl win for the New England Patriots. But this year, Soares has added a serious note to his holiday spectacle — on a sign hanging over his porch is a message, ‚ÄúHappy Holidays to all our troops.‚Äù

  ‚ÄúI have friends and family who are in the service and while we‚Äôre here celebrating the holidays, they‚Äôre over [in Iraq] doing their thing for us,‚Äù Soares said. ‚ÄúHowever anybody may feel about the president and the politics of the situation, we have to remember the troops — and thank them every chance we get.‚Äù
   Soares picked up the tradition from his father and said he usually works two eight hour days setting the scene. This year, to go along with the patriotic theme, he has two Santa‚Äôs —- one holding an American flag and the other in a formal military-style salute. Each year, Soares is ably assisted by his children Michael, Marissa, and Haley and wife, Danielle Anderson, in assembling the impressive display.
   He said he often walks out his door to find neighborhood children admiring the work and asking to take pictures. ‚ÄúIt‚Äôs a good thing for the neighborhood, it brings that holiday spirit right out onto the streets,‚Äù he said.
   Soares, a Somerville-born Mason, drummer and tow company manager said he only wishes he had more time to spend on his home‚Äôs festival of holiday lights and cheer.
   ‚ÄúIt can drive you nuts sometimes, all these lights and blowing fuses. But the neighbors and all the kids around here love it and the way the world is today, any little bit of happiness you can bring to someone is a positive thing,‚Äù he said. ‚ÄúAnd it‚Äôs the only house I have seen covered in lights thanking the troops.‚Äù


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