Huge oil spill at high school

On December 26, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Huge oil spill at high school

An estimated 700 gallon oil spill was discovered today at Somerville High School. The leak was traced back by officials to a faulty feeder line on the school’s underground 10,000 gallon tank.
The potential cost to Somerville for the remediation and repair work is $75,000, according to CommTank, the remediation team.  CommTank will be working around the clock to clean up the spill and have the heating system operational in two to four days, in time for students to return next Monday.

The building has been evacuated of the few staff who were still working during this holiday week and is being ventilated and negative air machines are being used to remove vapors.  City employees discovered the problem at 7 a.m. today.


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