Gun vs. knife, cop vs. crook

On January 5, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Gun vs. knife, cop vs. crook
By George P. Hassett

A Somerville police officer drew his weapon, finger off the trigger, on a 20 year old Lee Street man in the early hours of Monday morning on Highland Ave.
  John Whalen, 20, of 10 Lee St., allegedly attacked a motorist on Highland Ave. Whalen allegedly took a knife from his pants pocket and said, ‚ÄúI‚Äôll stab you,‚Äù to the victim. The victim retreated to his vehicle and police observed Whalen punching the the window of the car and screaming.

  Police ordered Whalen to show his hands and drop the knife. When Whalen did show his hands, he dropped the knife, police said. Whalen was ordered to stop, but instead he picked up the knife and began to walk away, police said.
  At that point, Officer Richard Lavey pointed his gun at Whalen, with his finger off the trigger, and again ordered Whalen to stop and drop the knife.
  ‚ÄúThis is happening in the middle of the east bound lane of Highland Ave. with vehicles passing by,‚Äù Lavey wrote in his report.
  Whalen attempted to enter a passing taxi, but the driver refused to unlock the door. He continued to walk away from Lavey towards Willow Street, police said, until Lavey grabbed Whalen from behind by his hooded sweatshirt and took him to the ground. 
  When backup arrived, Lavey holstered his weapon and cuffed Whalen. Whalen was arrested and charged with being a disorderly person and possession of a dangerous weapon.


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