Newstalk for Feb. 7

On February 9, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Over the past several weeks various names have been mentioned as possible candidates in the special election that is up coming, but as the timeframe for nomination papers comes to a close, it looks as if former Alderman Jack Connolly and progressive candidate Marty Martinez are ready and now a new name,  from a very popular family in Somerville – Bob Hardy of Summer Street in Ward 6 – who is a Vietnam veteran and a Past Commander of the Dilboy Post, is said to be throwing in his name, making it an official primary to be held in April.  People are scratching their heads trying to figure out who‚Äôs backing who and who‚Äôs getting people in the races.  Sources tell us that Jack Connolly, although probably the most qualified, isn‚Äôt perceived by the administration to win this election just yet and it also seems that the progressives could be split with Marty as well – seems he doesn‚Äôt appeal to the entire organization.
Is it possible that the Homans Building (city owned), once known for storing a city department head‚Äôs boat, is now rumored to be storing another city department head‚Äôs shall we say ‚Äúitems‚Äù?  Rumor has it that this department head was storing a lot of ‚Äústuff‚Äù in boxes in the building, but then there was a lot of weather damage done to the building and now they‚Äôre all ruined.  Does the administration know about this?  Or is this department head one of the untouchables?  Cell phones nowadays with cameras on them come in handy, don‚Äôt they?
Former Publisher of this paper Bob Publicover is not doing too well lately. H e‚Äôs home, recently under the stress of new medicine, which hopefully can get him to gain some weight back.  He wants to say hi to everyone out there and to let you know he has a lot of Red Sox tickets available for this year‚Äôs game.

The Somerville Lion‚Äôs Club will be hosting a booth at the Lions International Mid-Winter Conference being held at the Sheraton Hotel in Braintree on Friday, February 16th, Saturday the 17th and Sunday the 18th.  All are invited to come and enjoy a fun filled weekend of events while supporting the Somerville Lions Club as they continue as they have been doing for many years raising money for eye research.
Local activist Herb Vargas has announced to his friends down at Union Square that  he is thinking of running for Alderman-at-large‚ĶHerb better hurry, he has until February 9th – this Friday – to take out papers and have them filled out and submitted to the Election department by the following Tuesday, February 13th for certification.  Herb‚Äôs been around the city a long long time and has been involved in a lot of political campaigns over the years as well‚Ķhe certainly would make an interesting addition if he was to certify for the election‚Ķ
Congratulations to Rebecca Maddalo who is currently a Prospect Hill Academy 10th grader who just may be a Superstar in the Making!  She has recently been recognized for being a wonderful actress, but more than that, she is being recognized as a strong soprano singer within the school.  Don‚Äôt be surprised if we see her on ‚ÄúStar Search‚Äù or ‚ÄúAmerican Idol‚Äù one of these days soon.


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