Newstalk for Feb. 14

On February 15, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

As of writing this for News Talk, Jack and Marty have certified for the special election, and there were two more who pulled papers and are awaiting certification – James Thomas, who ran for School Committee in Ward 6 before, and a Robert Daut, who word has it, is a former ADA for Middlesex County and who we also hear is another one of those special Progressives.  Could there be a split amongst the Secular (we still like the title) Progressives with Robert Daut in the race?  Do we detect some dissention in the ranks? 

By the way, The Somerville News will be hosting a live candidate‚Äôs night on March 5th at the Independent Restaurant in Union Square.   

The Guns and Hoses game gives Somerville‚Äôs Police & Fire Department hockey players a chance to play against each other to conquer and for bragging rights to be called Champions over the blue or red uniforms that they wear while raising money for various charitable causes.  The Guns and Hoses game will be played on Feb. 25th starting at 5p.m. at the Somerville rink ‚Äì at 570 Somerville Ave.  We personally think a game between City Hall and DPW staffers vs. Police & Fire would be an even more interesting event or certainly would give legit bragging rights; maybe Manboobs can be the goalie for city hall?

Popular sister of our Mayor, Maria Curtatone, held her annual Valentines Day Party recently – she has been throwing this party every year for the past ten years or so. The party was a big success with a full ballroom of over 350 attendees celebrating the romantically magical day in advance while she herself was seen on the floor dancing the Tango!

Did you get that postcard the other day from our very own Congressman Mike Capuano announcing that he is hosting a Community Meeting at the Alderman‚Äôs Chambers Saturday February 24th from 10am to 11:30am?  He‚Äôs looking for a big crowd and something tells us he will get one‚Ķespecially from the progressives – hopefully some others will be there as well.

Somerville RED SOX nights have been announced by Bob Publicover of the Committee for a Response to AIDS.  There will be three Somerville nights this year – on June 12th (Blue Jays), June 15th (Giants) and September 1st (Orioles).  Tickets are very limited, so call Bob today to join the Mayor and lots of local folks again this year and reserve your Sox seats at 617 290-6842 or email  Tickets are $75.00 in the right field section.


The Somerville SPECIAL EDUCATION PARENTS COUNCIL will hold a coffee on February 27th from 9am to 11am to talk about the council‚Äôs long-range goals.   Lou Piacentini, Director of Special ED and Debbie Connell Supervisor of Special Ed will lead the group for parents.

The Somerville High Adult evening educational classes are starting up for the semester and there is room still available for people to register‚Ķin particular we hear that the Real Estate class is still accepting applications, so call the High School and ask for Ms. Jane Cummings, who is in charge. 

Some of us went to the NEPA convention (New England Press Association) this past weekend in Boston at the Park Plaza to learn more about the business…Hundreds and hundreds of people from throughout New England attended the two-day

Real Estate here in Somerville is on the rebound – sales are up these past couple of months, which is good.  Last year, without question, has to rank as one of the worst years in local Real Estate and we owe it all to the major media people who didn‚Äôt know what they were talking about and needed to create news‚Ķjust like what you‚Äôre seeing now with a Presidential Election two years off‚Ķis this ridiculous or what?  Two years to go and we have to hear who‚Äôs in the lead on a daily basis‚Ķhow ridiculous.


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