News Talk for Feb. 21

On February 20, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for Wednesday, February 21st 2007

Rumors are flying around the city regarding this year‚Äôs race for Mayor‚Ķwe hear that former mayoral candidate Tony LaFunete is being promised over 100K – some are saying it‚Äôs actually 180K ‚Äì apparently by a large segment of the Portuguese community here and in Cambridge, we hear he‚Äôs lining up his troops.  We also hear that a lot of his support from three years ago isn‚Äôt there now, so this should be interesting.  This is going to be a good election year for Somerville‚Ķwe also hear that various wards around the city are also going to be seeing some races.  The best ones that we have heard so far are – Joe Lynch, the well-known Magoun Square resident, has been lining up his support very quietly ‚Äì don‚Äôt look for the same kind of race like two years ago.  We‚Äôre still hearing that former candidate for Alderman at Large and resident of Ward 4, Stephen Glines, is considering a run in that ward and we wonder what former Ward 2 Alderman Kevin Tarpley might do now that he lives in Ward 4 as well‚Ķwe‚Äôll have to wait and see but some low on the radar grapevine rumor has him running for something.   
The race is official for the Special Alderman at Large Election race – now we know there will be a Primary.  Progressive candidate (or is he really?) Marty Martinez and former Alderman from Ward 6 Jack Connolly are both in the race with a third person ‚Äì a spoiler if you will – long time resident Robert Daut who is a former Middlesex County ADA‚Ķit appears that he in particular may have some very strange and interesting support from various camps around city who might not like either of the other two candidates.  Keep in mind that the first ‚ÄúCandidates Night/Debate‚Äù will be in Union Square at the Independent Restaurant on March 5th and it will be sponsored by The Somerville News.
Lieutenant Paul Kelly of the Somerville Police Department will be wrapping up a 30 year career this coming Friday, February 23rd with a retirement party at the Mount Vernon Restaurant. We wish him well and thank you for a job well done!
We hear that the well-known and established ElGuapo‚Äôs Mexican Restaurant, which is owned by Billy Johnson and his family, was recently sold for a whopping $1.4 million dollars.  The new owner is the guy from ‚ÄúSound Bites‚Äù – the breakfast place next door – who is originally from Syria‚Ķis this going to continue to be a Mexican Restaurant or a combination of Mexican/Syrian food?  And what about the liquor license? 
Somerville Red Sox Night tickets are being sold fast for this years games – especially now the list of talented players that will hopefully bring another (doesn‚Äôt that sound strange) World Series Championship title to Boston.  Tickets are easy to purchase, just email or call 617-290-6842 and ask for Bob – the three dates for ‚ÄúSomerville Night at the Red Sox‚Äù are June 12th, June 15th & September 1st.  Hurry, because they are going fast.
The Somerville High School Adult Education classes are beginning and they are accepting registrations for various courses being offered, including the Real Estate License course…call 617 625-6600 and ask for Jane Cummings, the Principal of the Evening School for details.
Don‚Äôt forget the Guns & Hoses hockey game this Sunday February 25th at 5pm at the Somerville Veterans Rink ‚Äì proceeds and donations to benefit the Somerville Youth Hockey Association.  Come on out and support both the dedicated professionals who work for the Somerville Police and Fire Departments


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