Newstalk for Feb. 28

On March 1, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Is it possible that one of the cities legal minds (we‚Äôre trying to be nice) was out one night last week in Union Square at a local eatery/bar and was maybe having a bit too much to drink and was seen being mouthy to a patron or two, and even drove away drunk and stinking of liquor? Is that possible?  This is a small city, funny how rumors get around, you just never know whom you‚Äôre talking to do you?   

Here‚Äôs one for the books, so there‚Äôs a resident of the city who allegedly reports his car stolen to the police, just to collect the insurance money (and we wonder why our insurance bills are so high here). This is where it gets interesting, he has the car in his garage and he‚Äôs in the process of dismantling it, when the local and state police show up and catch him in the act, with all the parts laying around on the garage floor. Seems they were in the middle of a sting, and the owner of the car had a loach devise on his car and when the police were notified of the car being stolen it automatically activated his loach.     This guy should be nominated for the dumbass award so far for 2007. We‚Äôre sure there will be some other nominees too though.

‚ÄúShip em out ‚Äì I don‚Äôt care where they come from. Send them back, I don‚Äôt want them,‚Äù was Congressman Mike Capuano‚Äôs, D-Somerville response Wednesday. The subject was, should immigrants who commit serious crimes be deported back to their countries ‚Äì regardless of their legal status in the US?   ‚ÄúDo I think we should deport illegal and legal immigrants who commit serious crimes?   Absolutely!‚Äù he said.  Capuano also said the illegal immigrants who are already in the US should be granted legal status, however.   Just because they arrived in the county illegally does not mean they are terrorists, he pointed out.  We think the Congressman should take a slower ride by Foss Park any morning with a query check computer and run some of the local talent that hangs around there all day.   He could possibly fill up two or three police detention vans and then some!

What‚Äôs new in Ball Square?    Now some would think a Furniture Store in Somerville never mind Ball Square might not be a good idea?  They‚Äôre wrong and we were wrong, the items there and prices will knock you over; we predict you will be pleasantly surprised.


While we‚Äôre on the subject, another Ball Square business owner in the process of buying another local eatery/bar got his car towed last week, or maybe it was his girlfriend‚Äôs ‚Äî- which we hear is the third tow from the same spot.    Now we all know the feeling when our cars are towed and its not good, but this guy took it to an extreme.   He was demanding to get his car out without paying, and throwing a lot of various political names around, making a scene to the point the police were called in and then he attempted to drive off the lot without paying.   Lesson number one, throwing political names around and making ridiculous demands won‚Äôt work with most, especially a tow company.      

We wonder if that‚Äôs how he runs his business, should we go in there and demand to eat for free?  Off course we‚Äôd throw some names around as well, but not sure it would help us in the end.    Lesson learned is everyone else has to pay; they should as well, regardless of who you are, shouldn‚Äôt make any difference.

The debate for the three candidates for the special election is coming up fast, next Monday March 5th at the Independent in Union Square, open to the public.   

The annual ‚ÄúGuns & Hoses‚Äù hockey game was this past Sunday night and frankly the Fire Department won 7 to 1, but it looked to us like the fire department held back. Obviously some thought they could have beaten the police by double the score.    Maybe the police will do better next year.

Who was that DPW employee driving on the sidewalk last week?   We give him credit for aggressive driving but hope he‚Äôs careful not to endanger any innocent pedestrians, The commissh, aka Stan, wouldn‚Äôt want to deal with that mess.

Here‚Äôs a rumor that‚Äôs very secret and on the hush hush: we can‚Äôt say where we heard it but there might be a rift between Stan Koty, the Mayor and Alderman Sean O‚ÄôDonovan. Allegedly, Stan and the mayor are hoping Sean steps down so that someone more cooperative can represent Ward 5. Some say Sean allegedly broke rank with the mayor during the condo conversion controversy and hasn‚Äôt been with the ‚ÄúTeam‚Äù since.   Remember, by the time you read this, these guys may have made up or things may have gotten worse. Like we said there might be a rift, time will tell. 


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