Newstalk – October 24

On October 24, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The fourth annual Joe’s Jazz and Blues Fest is returning for Fall 2012, beginning with a daylong concert at Powderhouse Park on Saturday, October 27 from noon-6:00 p.m. The festival will then make its way through local hotspots citywide through November 3, including performances at Cantina la Mexicana, Arts at the Armory Café, Sally O’Brien’s, and Johnny D’s Uptown. A full schedule and venue list can be found online at


The City of Somerville will host the final event in the 2012 SomerStreets series with a 2-mile celebration along Somerville Avenue, entitled “Monster Mashed-Up @ SomerStreets” on Sunday, October 28 from noon – 4 p.m.  An Oktoberfest celebration, co-sponsored by Sally O’Brien’s and Bull McCabe’s, has also been planned in conjunction with SomerStreets, scheduled for 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. between Washington Street and Bow Street. Monster Mashed-Up is the longest of the four SomerStreets events, running from Washington Street to Beacon Street, and will include live entertainment on three stages, five 150-pound pumpkins carved by chainsaw artists, safe trick-or-treating, a costume parade, skateboard demonstrations, and much, much more.  The popular “Ghosts of Milk Row Cemetery” tours will be held from 12:30 – 3:30 for a suggested donation of $5.


The Somerville Office of Commissions and LGBT Liaison, Elizabeth Field, invite all interested community members to “Somerville’s LGBT Halloween Skate Night” on Friday, October 26 at 6:00 p.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial Rink, 570 Somerville Ave.  Residents of all ages are invited to attend, and prizes will be given for best costume.  Tickets are $5 in advance (at and $6 at the door. Skate rentals are $5.  This event is cosponsored by the Bisexual Resource Center, Shape Up Somerville, and the Somerville Council on Aging. The LGBT Liaison is an employee of the Somerville Office of Commissions as part of the Somerville Health Department. For more information on the event, or on LGBT issues and programming, contact Elizabeth Field at 617-625-6600 ext. 2400


From 10:30 a.m. until noon on Tuesday, October 30, just one week before voters head to the polls, the Somerville Council on Aging will host a non-partisan Voter Information Forum to provide information on Ballot Questions appearing on the November 6, 2012 Somerville ballot. The Council on Aging hopes to provide an opportunity for the city’s voters to hear information from both supporters and opponents of each Question during the 90-minute forum moderated by the non-partisan League of Women Voters. For more information about the forum, please contact Lisa Heyison at (617) 625-6600, ext. 2300.


Tomes of Terror: New Arrivals is the Post-Meridian Radio Player’s seventh annual Halloween show. The group performs live radio dramas. These are stage shows which use the style of the golden age of radio for the performance, including actors with scripts in front of microphones and sound effects being created live. Performances of Tomes of Terror: New Arrivals will take place October. 25-26 at 8 p.m. On Saturday, October 27, there will be both a 2:00 p.m. matinee and an 8:00 p.m. evening show. Tickets are $15 with discounts for students and seniors available. The show will be performed at Unity Church of Somerville, 6 William St. just near Davis Square. More information about the show is available at


Who’s got the job of placing these bike racks and rental bikes around the city? It seems like the person or persons in charge haven’t talked to the Ward Alderman and the local businesses along the way. Maybe they should do so. The lack of communications with area businesses around the city is upsetting to small businesses and many are crying out “Why?” We heard that many businesses along Beacon Street were up in arms over the lack of concern for businesses. Speaking of this, has anyone read the rental bike fees?    Does the city make any money? Are bikes going to be charged what cars get taxed for?    It seems like a silly thing to hinder local small businesses with these racks out front.


Happy Birthday to many here in the ‘Ville this week: A good friend of ours Dick “Richard” Hart, Marie Civello, our own Donald Norton, and Ginny Azulay Roche. Also Happy birthday to Mama Emily Tauro who is celebrating the joyous day with all her children and her twenty-one great and great great grand children! We wish her many, many more! We also wish the best to Sal DiMaggio from East Somerville. Sue Mackey is celebrating her birthday this week as well. A real good guy who writes for us is also celebrating this week, Harry Kane. Another good guy we want to mention is Corey McGlashing. Former Somerville City Solicitor John Gannon is having a birthday this week as well. A lot of us remember Nancy (Maloney) Humpheries, who resides now in North Carolina. Also this weekend is Shaun O’Brien as well.


So, a lot of people throughout the city will be getting a pay raise including our elected officials, but we hear that a lot of people down at DPW are not very happy with this since some unions don’t have a contract yet.


Good luck and speedy recovery to our own Jimmy DelPonte who this week underwent major surgery that will keep him off the streets for a few weeks. He will be missed around the city. We send him our best wishes.


Back by popular demand, another MAKE & TAKE Cake Decorating class. Runs for 10 weeks. $150 plus frosting. Register @ Somerville High School Main Office, 81 Highland Ave., Tues. or Thurs. 6-9:00 p.m. Meets Nov. 13, 20, 27; Dec. 4, 5; Jan. 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12, 26. Also, Flower Arrangement Course. $100. Beginning October 30, November 6, 13, 27, & December 4. Make and Take home all your holiday centerpiece creations. Another Drivers Ed 5 week session begins October 30, meeting Tuesday and Thursday evenings. One must register soon.


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