Newstalk for April 11

On April 12, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The Special Primary Election is over and as expected, there was low voter turnout.  There is no surprise that the two finalists are Jack Connolly and Marty Martinez for the Special Final Election‚ĶNow we get to see who has the machine to come out on top in the final.  If Marty wins, then the ‚Äúprogressives‚Äù will smell blood in the water and will most likely start targeting individual wards, especially those with aldermen who are friendly with the mayor.  If Jack wins, does that mean the ‚Äúprogressives‚Äù can‚Äôt mount a citywide campaign?  Word is we can expect a mayoral race announcement immediately following the final in May.  Remember to check out our website for voter totals.

Springtime is here again and so is the Boston Marathon‚ĶThe Somerville Lions own Carmen Nappa will again be running in the Marathon on behalf of the Somerville Lion’s Club‚Ķwe will be wearing the Lion’s colors and "saving sight" in the process.  All proceeds from Carmen’s hard work, dedication and training throughout the year will benefit Lion’s charities‚Ķshould you wish to donate send your check to Tim O’Malley c/o Winter Hill Bank, 342 Broadway Somerville MA 02145‚Ķhelp support our Somerville Lion’s Club!


Somerville has lost another well-known resident, Mary Menuno of Beacon Street, who passed away this past week and was buried yesterday.  Mary was well known down in the Ward 2 area and she was the mother of Ward 2 Alderwomen MaryAnn Heuston.  Mary will be missed and we extend our sincerest condolences to her family and many friends.


Our state house delegation better get cracking and work harder to get us the Green Line Extension to Somerville‚Ķin the old days we used to have a fighting delegation that fought for local issues, not for issues that don‚Äôt affect Somerville.  We need our progressive delegation to remember that all politics is local and you better deliver what the residents want.   


Has anyone seen the rather large crowd of picketers that have been traveling in and around the city?  Apparently employees of Clear Channel Media, the company that owns those huge billboards that are towering over our city and on our highways are on strike!  Wherever and whenever Clear Channel‚Äôs work crews of scabs go to an existing sign location to update a sign with any new advertiser of the month, the striking employees are there to follow them and to be seen.  Most recently, the scabs showed up to our local tow company‚Äôs yard to update that sign on McGrath Highway…when the tow company‚Äôs management saw the crowd of protesters that followed the media giant‚Äôs work detail arrive at the tow yard without a hired police detail, they immediately called the Somerville Police with an ‚Äúunwanted guest‚Äù call, and the SPD arrived and asked the media advertiser‚Äôs handful of scab workers to vacate the premises and leave so that their angry protesters would also follow them to keep the peace.


Remember we told you about Victor‚Äôs Deli in Ball Square ‚Äì that the line was getting longer and longer?  Their reputation has reached over into Cambridge and Arlington ‚Äì Cambridge DPW and Arlington Police have been spotted in line for a great lunch regularly.    


Speaking of Ball Square Рthat furniture store we told you about Рonce inside you can’t resist the prices they are selling the furniture at…if you haven’t been there go and see what everyone is talking about.


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