Newstalk for Wednesday April 25th 2007

On April 25, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

It appears that Ward 4 Alderman Walter Pero spearheaded the Veterans committee on a resolution asking no further buildings or squares be named after living people, which we could understand, but then he goes ahead and proposes that former Alderman Vito Vaccaro (nice guy by the way ‚Äì we like him) has a square named after him.  Well unfortunately we hear he‚Äôs not getting that Square now.  Those progressives are funny aren‚Äôt they?  Sounds like something the Ward 6 Alderwomen would do, doesn‚Äôt it?  You know, vote on something, then forget you voted on it.


JANICE DELORY from the Mayor‚Äôs office is leaving after three years of service to the Mayor and the City – she did a great job and we know a lot of people will miss her and we wish her the best of luck in the future.  MIKE BUCKLEY is heading back to the Mayor‚Äôs office where he started out – he‚Äôs probably the most loyal supporter of the mayor and his administration and on top of all that he‚Äôs a nice guy as well‚Ķwe at Newstalk wish him best of luck too.


Can the police department please do something about the group/gang of kids that hangs around the corner of Medford Street and Central Street please???  The woman in the corner store has been robbed not once, not twice, but 8 times ‚Äì the last time an 8-year-old girl was knocked down in the process.  Supposedly the police have been given the store videotapes and the perpetrators have been identified by the woman and others in the area, but that group keeps getting bigger and bigger.  Maybe the police are waiting for someone to be stabbed or sexually assaulted.  Let‚Äôs hope not.


Birthday wishes to former Mayor DOROTHY KELLY GAY this Thursday the 26th – she‚Äôs doing great back in the private sector.  We‚Äôre just hoping she plans another trip to Ireland with her friends again sometime soon, the last two were fantastic.  On another note, there is speculation that she might not sit on the sidelines in this municipal election – she might be helping/stumping around the city for various people running for office.   


Word is that former Mayor Dot Gay‚Äôs spokesperson and former ward alderman CATHY O‚ÄôDEA is now the Assistant Town Manager of Maynard and has been for a few months.  We know that Maynard is a lot smaller than Somerville and there‚Äôs not as many people there as well, but we hope she has learned to return telephone calls better than when she was working here in Somerville.  Maybe her short stint as a real estate agent gave her some insight on how to answer a phone and call people back ‚Äì well, we hope so anyways.


TUFTS will be showcasing a fireworks display on the 27th – this Friday night.  All are invited to attend and enjoy‚Ķjust call Tufts if you want more information.


The special election to fill the vacant Alderman at Large seat is coming up on Tuesday, May 8th and this Saturday night, the 28th, at ‚ÄúMichaels‚Äù (99 Washington Street ‚Äì East Somerville) we hear a huge event is being held‚Ķsome Ward 1 friends and neighborhood resident Bob McGowan in particular are having candidate JACK CONNOLLY down to meet the neighborhood.  The entertainment this night will be ‚ÄúGround FX‚Äù a local well known group – crowd should be getting there around 930pm – it‚Äôs a late night crowd for East Somerville.


Also on the 28th, The Elizabeth Peabody House will hold their annual auction on April 26th at the Holiday Inn.  Always a gala event that raises funds for this outstanding organization, the night will go from 6-9pm with silent and regular auctions to benefit the Somerville Community.


Was it a bird?  Was it a plane?  Nope, it was a Trane ‚Äì Alderman Bob Trane to be exact – to be exact‚Ķseen hitting a pop up foul ball while playing stick ball with his cane this past weekend at Foss Park!  The Alderman was actually inspecting the park for safety issues on his own, but decided to take advantage of the situation after his inspection was completed! 


Michael Anderson talked about lots of ball at Jimmy Tingles great soccer show this past weekend.  Anderson is a true soccer aficionado and put on a great show.  Give Jimmy Tingle a lot of credit, he has worked hard to make the theater with his name on it work well.


LAURA MARSHALL, a dedicated local artist, will be at the West Branch Library to teach a course (FREE) on making decorative boxes.  It starts at 7pm and you will not only learn how to make these beautiful boxes, you can take them home!  Call the Library for dates and time, and thanks Laura.
Newstalk for Wednesday April 25th 2007


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