Newstalk for Wednesday May 2nd 2007

On May 2, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The new State Democrat Party Chairman, John Walsh, addressed the small (only about 30 members present) crowd at the annual love fest of the Progressive Democrats here last week and only two elected officials showed up – School Committeeperson Roberta Bauer and our most famous Progressive of all-time – Alderperson Rebekah G.  Also seen sizing up the small crowd and having an intense discussion was unannounced Ward 5 Aldermanic Candidate Joe Lynch ‚Äì he was probably getting some pointers from Walsh on the upcoming local election.  And oh yeah, Sean Fitzgerald and his buddy Fergal O‚ÄôToole were at the Progressive‚Äôs meeting as well ‚Äì are they are dues paying members?  Bet they were there with their buddy Rebekah?      


Speaking of Ward 5 and Magoun Square in particular, have you noticed the deplorable condition of the CVS parking lot?  Missing or broken lights, fences falling over ‚Äì and hey, how about the old hardware store building in the middle – what an eyesore that has become and with all the money that family has that owns that building, you‚Äôd think they would have fixed it up a long time ago – and he‚Äôs an Attorney.  Magoun Square looks like it has fallen upon hard times‚Ķwhere is the current Alderman?  It‚Äôs too warm to be in Florida right now, isn‚Äôt it?


We wonder why Alderman Bruce Desmond was sponsoring a bill at the last Alderman’s meeting to have the building at MaxPak site torn down…We also hear that the partners of KSS Realty are having problems with each other lately and some have moved on…guess some of them can’t maneuver through the dark forest of Somerville.


The special election is coming soon – May 15th – for the Alderman at Large seat‚Ķwe know that Marty Martinez is working hard lining up his Progressive votes, but don‚Äôt count Jack out yet – he‚Äôs been seen around here and there.  Both candidates are urging voters to come out and vote for them.  Some are saving that Marty has it wrapped up while others are saying it isn‚Äôt over yet.      The following week on May 21st is the day to pull papers for the upcoming regular elections in the city.


If you haven‚Äôt been to Michaels on Washington Street lately, Saturday night it was rocking – the band Ground F/X played with unbelievable sound – the place was packed with 100‚Äôs of patrons listening to the sounds of the 60‚Äôs and the band played a special song for all to enjoy for Alderman at Large Candidate Jack Connolly.  Everyone had a blast at the event.  There was an extremely diverse crowd of newcomers and old timers – all from Somerville.  We also hear that Michaels Karaoke Night is the best around – do yourself a favor, no matter who you are, you‚Äôll fit in and say hi to Michelle the owner ‚Äì she‚Äôs the best.  And oh yeah, Michaels has to be the only local watering hole with an all-female bartender lineup ‚Äì yeah, that was a plug for them, so what, you‚Äôll still enjoy yourself.   


We hear that Torpedo woman is back at work at the DPW and is causing her usual problems with management – making all those demands and causing the city lots of money, but hey that‚Äôs the way it goes.  How‚Äôs that new 10K shower installed down there in the women‚Äôs locker room?  Was it worth costing the taxpayers that kind of money for nothing?      


We hear that friends of Steve Glines are urging him to pull papers for the upcoming election against Ward 4 Alderman Walter Pero‚Ķwe think that Pero might be in for a hard fought campaign from this very popular young local lawyer.  We also hear that there might be a Lynch running in Ward 6 against Rebecca Gerwitz, and if that other yet unnamed lady jumps in the race, it will make for a very interesting primary in Ward 6 wouldn‚Äôt it?



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