Connolly for alderman-at-large

On May 14, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Jack Connolly is more committed to Somerville than he is to a career boost. When he Jack_2 advocates for Somerville it is not for one clique or wing, it is for the whole city. When he speaks for Somerville it comes from 22 years of experience and it comes from the heart.

Connolly played a major role in turning Davis Square into the vibrant center it is today and he deserves your vote May 15 for a chance to work on the entire city’s future.

Connolly will return to the board with 22 years of experience in pushing Somerville forward to a greater destiny (read: being progressive). As an alderman at large, Connolly will be able to work independently without worrying city services may be held back by a vengeful mayor. He has already proven he can work wonders on a ward (see: Davis Square in 1984), voters must let him get his hands on the whole city now.

Do not be manipulated into following blind slogans and empty, feel-good rhetoric. This election is too vital and Somerville is too important. Make your decision after examining the candidates experience, sincerity to the upbuilding of Somerville and their vision for the future.

Based on that criteria, Jack Connolly is the superior candidate for alderman-at-large. Elect him May 15.   


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