Newstalk for Wednesday May 30th 2007

On May 30, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Sitting watching the parade going by on Sunday was pretty impressive and big thanks goes to the Administration and in particular Frank Senesi of Veterans Services for another job well done.  By the way, was that the Acting Chief riding along side Rex Trailer in the parade?


Tragic accident on Highland Road the other night – it shouldn‚Äôt have happened with the no-chase policy that the city has.  Seems like a lot of stuff going on throughout the city lately, hopefully the violence doesn‚Äôt get worse now that summer is here.


Looks like the summer will be a sort of vacation for a lot of the elected officials including the mayor – no real threats to the incumbents other than in Ward 5 with Joe Lynch and in Ward 6 a candidate or candidates that are waiting for the last minute.  Some of us are thinking out loud‚Ķmaybe its time to go for 4-year terms of office and to get rid of the School Committee as an elected body‚Ķjust thinking out loud.


The city Dem‚Äôs are meeting on June 12th at the VNA on Lowell Street at 7pm.  Call Helen Corrigan, Chairperson, with any questions.


Congratulations to Lisa Marie Tauro on her graduation from St. Clements High School.


Guess they have started work on the McGrath Highway overpass recently – the long overdue repairs are a welcome sight by all who have to duck to avoid falling debris when under parts of the bridge.   


It’s been two weeks and counting and Marty Martinez still has yet to call Jack Connolly to concede or congratulate him. Hey Marty, have some class and call the guy. He called your friend Rebekah Gewirtz when she beat him last time around. We think Marty’s refusal to call Jack is a good example of how these progressives need to be more inclusive and move beyond their little cliques to try and help the WHOLE city, not just their friends. Maybe one day they will learn.


Yeah it’s a month away but everybody reading this (especially those of you in East Somerville) should head down to Broadway and Cross Street East Saturday June 23 for the Community Building Block Party. The theme of the party is celebrating community and keeping families together. There will be arts and craft tables, live music, food and fun for all! News Talk loves arts and crafts.


We were sad to hear state Sen. Jarrett Barrios announce he will be stepping down from office soon and heading for the private sector as president of Blue Cross Blue Shield. Sounds like a big job but we know Jarrett can handle it. He was always an advocate for Somerville and its people and we wish him luck. The question now is, who will step up and run for his old job? Remember, last time Jarrett said he was leaving the state senate a host of candidates stepped up for his spot, with Cambridge City Councilor Anthony Galluccio the favorite to win. Things have changed now though, Galluccio‚Äôs buddy Robert Travaglini is no longer around to help pave the way and possible candidate Dan Ryan could siphon some of his support away. Remember, popular Alderman-at-Large Dennis Sullivan declared for the race too before withdrawing because of Barrios‚Äô re-entry. Will he run this time? We don‚Äôt know but we think it‚Äôs going to be tough for a Somerville person to make a real run at the seat —- the district has only a small portion of Somerville in it.


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