The View from Prospect Hill

On June 16, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff


After spinning its wheels and not getting anywhere for the better part of three years, KSS Realty finally got approval this past week for just under 200 units to be developed at the Max Pak site.

Even Stephen (Kennedy) Smith, who once referred to his experience as moving through the “dark forest of Somerville” seemed relieved last Thursday night.

He should be ‚Äì but at what cost?  What kind of ‚Äúreal‚Äù profit can they expect to make in a real estate market already flooded with condominium units?

Then you start to wonder why, after all that dancing for the city and its various groups, that they‚Äôre only ‚Äúobligated‚Äù to build 65 units.  Doesn‚Äôt surprise us that there are still people in the neighborhood who are suspicious ‚Äì there are plenty of reasons why.

So now its mid 2007 and while on the outside it seems that everyone involved – from the neighborhood to the developers and even the local politicians Рmight be satisfied enough to finally let this project move ahead, don’t be fooled for a minute – the dance has only just begun.

The minute the trucks roll through the neighborhood, someone will start banging a gong about something ‚Äì next will be the demolition of the buildings that are there and the ground/soil removal ‚Äì after that, like most large scale developments, there will be ‚Äúinconsistencies‚Äù between the building plans submitted and what‚Äôs actually happening on site.  Believe it.  This isn‚Äôt over.


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