Newstalk for July 5th 2007

On July 5, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff


Looks like the Progressives are at it already‚Ķand so soon after the crushing defeat of Marty‚Ķseems like they have sent out a questionnaire for this year‚Äôs endorsements of candidates here in the city, asking that they be completed within five days.  One candidate even got a call we hear from someone who identified himself as a  ‚ÄúProgressive‚Äù and intimated after being questioned about receiving an endorsement, the candidate was told that an endorsement was very unlikely because the Princess Rebekah was a founding member of the PDS.      


Rumor has it that one of Princess Rebekah‚Äôs ‚Äúknights‚Äù has been investigating candidate and life long Somerville resident Charlie Chisholm‚Äôs home address as well as his employment.  We heard that a well known sort of Attorney was himself seen in the neighborhood of College Avenue knocking on doors asking questions about Mr. Chisholm ‚Äì if it‚Äôs true it wouldn‚Äôt surprise us‚Ķwe now know that the ‚ÄúProgressives‚Äù like to do the same stuff they accuse others of doing, don‚Äôt we?


Rumor has it that Queen Pat, the Progressive Senator, maybe losing one of her staffers…we can’t give any names but we hear that the person isn’t very happy working for her Рlike we said, it’s a rumor, but hey that’s how things get started don’t they.


They finally got him!  No, not bin Laden, but well-known activist Herb Vargas aka ‚ÄúSecret Squirrel‚Äù got towed away by a local tow company for street cleaning in Cambridge!  He ranted for a while then eventually was given a professional courtesy ‚ÄúGet out of Jail Free Card‚Äù and was sent on his merry way.


Well we hear that Ward 4 Alderman (and Progressive darling) Walter is slowly catching up to Alderman Roche‚Äôs employment perks for Family Members Club!  We hear that one of his closest relatives (we hear his daughter) just got hired in the Community Development Strategy Department at City Hall‚Ķdoing what, we don‚Äôt know, but we‚Äôre sure The Mole or someone out there in the Land of Cambriville will find out for us.


We certainly hope that everyone enjoyed themselves this past week, especially with the fireworks here in Somerville.  Although some might be negative about the dollar cost, and there are some very negative people out there, we say congratulations to the Mayor for a great night of entertainment and the spectacular fireworks – estimates of the crowd on hand were about 6k ‚Äì it was a nice night.


Everyday for the past two weeks, Ward 7 Alderman Bob Trane is out there running hard ‚Äì he is not taking his opponent lightly – even though she‚Äôs not that familiar with Ward 7 boundaries and the people there‚ĶBob says he‚Äôs ready for a hard campaign on the issues.  Some of us know Bob and he won‚Äôt take Rachel Heller lightly, even though she works full time for a Senator in Lawrence.


The war of the Irish in Ward 5 is off and running‚Ķat the fireworks this past week we saw candidate Joe Lynch out shaking hands and saying hi to a lot of Ward 5 residents who were on hand – he seemed pretty confident and optistimic.  We didn‚Äôt see Sean O‚ÄôDonovan, but we‚Äôre sure he was out there working the crowd.


We hear Mayor Joe is opening up his headquarters for this year’s election in Ball Square – at Broadway and Josephine Avenue.


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