Bremer: My chances are phenomenal

On July 23, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By George P. HassettBremmer_2

The Tufts University librarian challenging Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone for the city‚Äôs executive office was the guest at the July 12 The Somerville News  contributors meeting.

“I’m running because I’m concerned about Somerville. Property values have never been higher, median family income has never been higher. We’re doing well no question, but are we squandering our wealth?” said Suzanne L. Bremer, of the Prospect Hill neighborhood.

Bremer will face Curtatone and fellow challenger Richard Scirocco in the Sept. 25 primary.

Despite going up against a powerful incumbent who brought Gov. Deval Patrick to his campaign kick off, Bremer said her chances of beating Curtatone and becoming mayor are “phenomenal.”

“My platform is going to resonate with people across the city,” she said. “My administration will give everyone a place at the table and involve all types of people in city government.”

Bremer said she was inspired to run for mayor by what she believed was wasteful spending by city officials. When construction on Somerville Avenue began May 1, construction crews ripped up a traffic island they had only recently finished building, she said.

“You can’t tell me the city didn’t know the work on Somerville Avenue was coming when they took the time, trouble and money to build the traffic island. That is a waste of money,” she said.

The possible renovation of Central Hill Park also strikes her as wasteful, she said.

“Central Hill Park surrounds a library, a city hall and a high school that need to be renovated. Why do spend half a million doing a park over when the three institutions abutting it need to be renovated?” she said. “That shows short sightedness.”

Bremer has lived in Somerville for 16 years. She said she will take more of a long range approach to city planning than Curtatone has and will actively recruit citizens to serve on the city‚Äôs various boards and commissions.      


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