Could Somerville score a major league stadium?

On August 10, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By Andrea Gregory

Somerville could score a claim to fame on the map of sporting arenas if a deal comes through to build New England’s next soccer stadium on Somerville turf. New_england_revolution_5

Preliminary talks are in the earliest of stages, according to Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone. Curtatone confirmed that city official did discuss the possibility with members of The Kraft Group, owner of the Patriots and New England Revolution, over the possibility of creating a new home field for the soccer team.

Several locations in multiple municipalities are believed to be under consideration. However, the sheer possibility of a major league sports arena coming to the area is exciting. 

“We are pretty excited,” said Curtatone.

Curtatone said even the preliminary inquiry from the Kraft Group shows Somerville has a lot to offer. Curtatone said he is not surprised that Somerville in on the list of possible locals for the areas next soccer stadium.

“We have incredible transit coming to our city. We are interested in marketing Somerville as a great place to work, live and play,” said Curtatone. “I think it just continues to contribute to the positive image of the city.”

Curtatone said there is not a particular site under review for a future soccer stadium and said he did not have any further details to release since nothing is official at this time.

A spokesman from The Kraft Group said he could not release any details about the land search or the future stadium. However, he did confirm the preliminary talk took place with Somerville officials.

New England Revolution was formed in 1995. It was one of the 10 original teams of Major League Soccer. Currently home games are played at the Gillette Stadium in Foxboro.

Even with those involved in the early discussion of Somerville possibly gaining a stadium being so tightlipped, local soccer fans are already rooting for a deal to come through.

Gordon Siek, who has been coaching 12 years through the Somerville Youth Soccer League, said it would be great.

“There is a huge population of people here who love soccer. It would be a great thing for the city,” he said. “I actually think it is a natural (move) to bring it to town. There is a bigger fan base here than in Foxboro.”

Siek, a Revolution fan, said he currently makes the haul out to Foxboro to take in a game. He said he knows some youth coaches have organized trips to take their teams to games as well. Having the stadium closer, would allow for more of that, he said.

Siek said it could also be beneficial to the city’s youth soccer program that currently has 600 kids kicking balls around.

“I think it would help the program here quite a bit,” said Siek. “Those kids really look up to those players.” Soccer_ball_5


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