Newstalk for Wednesday September 5th 2007

On September 5, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News_talk_forweb_12Those folks who read Newstalk and got their tickets to “Somerville Night at the Red Sox” this past Saturday 9/1, from Bob Publicover and the Committee For A Response to Aids, got a once in a lifetime thrill. The 100 people who were at the game got to see, in person, the first “no hitter” by a rookie in Red Sox History. We think Bob guaranteed 100 return ticket buyers for next year. It was a great game to be there.


The Fourth annual “Somerville News Writers Festival” is set for November 11th at Jimmy Tingle’s Off Broadway Theater and you can go online to and see the link to the site giving the names of the poets and writers appearing this year.


By the way, just to set the record straight, Lenny DiCicco – a supporter of Rick Scirocco‚Äôs (some say Scirocco‚Äôs campaign fundraiser) – is NOT and we repeat NOT Mayor Joe‚Äôs ‚ÄúGodfather‚Äù – which was incorrectly stated in last weeks front-page story regarding an alleged threat against Mayor Joe.   


Quiet this past week around here – you can literally hear the doors slam shut and people leaving the Cape and New Hampshire en masse to come back and start the fall season. Too quiet on the streets these past two weeks of August here in the ‚ÄòVille.    


Picketers marched up and down Market Basket‚Äôs parking lot this past week being led by none other then our own Alderman Bob Trane along with some local activists protesting the grocery store giant selling SmithField Products – a meat packing company in Tar Heel, North Carolina – who is accused of mistreating immigrant workers by having them work in unsafe conditions. Coincidentally sound familiar to anyone? 


Congratulations to Donald & Pat Norton, celebrating quietly this past weekend here in Somerville, their 40th wedding anniversary – 40 years ago this past weekend they eloped in Columbia, South Carolina.   


Former Assessor and City Official (in the 50’s & 60’s) Eddie Ciampa was seen recently around, he looks good and is very active in the local Lion’s Club as well as the district, Eddie is one of the nicest guys out of Somerville.


This Saturday night, the “campaign Kickoff” for Joe Lynch, candidate for Alderman in Ward 5 Рat 31 Richardson Street, from 4-8pm. A large turnout is expected РJoe has been hitting the ward hard we hear these past two months, and to be sure, Alderman Sean is doing the same. But we’ve been told Joe is really working hard on this РSean will have to dig deep over the next several weeks Рthis could be closer than anyone thinks. Another surprise is the race in Ward 6 Рsay what you want (and we know they will) Рbut Charles Chisholm has been out there every day knocking on doors, and the current alderman is (we’d say Princess Rebekah but we know that upsets her small mouthy legion of fans), very quiet out there.


This Sunday afternoon Sept. 9th is going to be a busy day in Somerville the Prichard Avenue Super sized Block Party being held on Boston Avenue between Kidder & Prichard Avenue from 4 to 7 p.m. BYO Food, chairs, sold drinks, etc.


This coming weekend don’t miss out on the 81st Annual Italian Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian being held on Saturday and Sunday, September 8th and 9th, on Warren Street in East Cambridge. On Saturday night don’t miss performances by the one and only 1960’s Pop Music sensation -“Joey Dee and the Starliters” (who sang the hit “Peppermint Twist”). The procession will also do its annual march through East Somerville on Sunday afternoon.


Seems there was a gang fight averted in East Somerville this past Monday night around 10pm – the police showed up and arrested one or two people and then quickly found a machete and knives behind a car directly across from the schoolyards. The police were quick to respond to a tip – reportedly ones with the weapons were MS-13 members.


Lola Rivera has a new baby…bird that is. The local bird lover is thrilled to add a new member to the Tossini Bird Family.


Congratulations to the Somerville Police Department’s Honor Guard for coming in first place and receiving a trophy during a competition that judged 20 Honor guards from other Massachusetts communities that was held recently in Newburyport.


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