The View From Prospect Hill

On September 15, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff


IKEA is known throughout the world as a responsible corporate citizen with a conscience. They pay more than fair wages, offer health care to all employees and present new workers with more of a career path than any other retailer.

But will IKEA be good for Somerville and its people? Do they have too big a footprint for an urban location? Will their famed traffic jams choke the life out of the lower Broadway business district? Will the good jobs they offer go to the people living in the neighborhoods the store will affect most?

All this remains to be seen.

IKEA could ease our worries by adding a lane to the proposed Assembly Square Drive. Currently there will be only one lane of traffic around the store. If two lanes can’t stop miles of traffic jams in Stoughton, why will one lane work in Somerville? Also, IKEA could prove their commitment to the city by guaranteeing Somerville residents priority in hiring for the new store. Without a doubt, there are more than enough Somerville residents qualified to staff an IKEA. Give them a chance. First chance.

Finally, IKEA officials need to start thinking creatively about how to fulfill their open space requirements. Long winding traffic islands and a garden on the roof just will not cut it. In New England’s most densely populated city open space is an important issue. We deserve a plan that reflects how precious green grass can be.

IKEA can prove its merit by agreeing to these terms. We are confident they will. Hey, if they can negotiate with the Mystic View Task Force, anything is possible right?    


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