Newstalk for Wednesday September 26th 2007

On September 26, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News_talk_new_4The Primary is over and with just over 6,000 votes citywide cast, turnout was slightly higher than expected with results we honestly weren‚Äôt surprised with ‚Äì Mayor Joe with over 75% of the vote, facing Ms. Bremer in November. 



We saw shades of former Senator Sal Albano when we read the Herald article (see Herald September 22nd online ‚Äì ‚ÄúJehlen story‚Äù) imagine that – our own Senator Jehlen missing votes and being ranked by the Herald as missing more votes then almost all the other Senators since being elected. Senator Albano lost to Senator Shannon (a Republican at the time) when he refused to be inclusive and represent our entire district. Maybe the Queen of the Progressives/Liberals is marching down that road as well – we hope not, but maybe the Herald article didn‚Äôt go deep enough?                                                                        


Big noise and lots of yelling after the last Board of Alderman meeting Рeveryone in the building could hear what was going on Рand it wasn’t nice. Seems that Alderman Sean O’Donovan from Ward 5 was very upset with Alderwoman Rebekah Gewirtz from Ward 6 (we’d say Princess but her “followers” would get upset with us) because apparently Ms. Rebekah is submitting board orders for Ward 5 and Ward 7 when she should be minding her own ward’s business – maybe Alderman O’Donovan should start submitting orders in Ward 6.


Speaking of the Board of Alderman meeting last week, seems Attorney Charles J. Sillari, Jr. (a good guy himself) was voted on and approved by the Board to be the Assistant Clerk of Committees Рwe wish him best of luck in his new job Рhe’s a great guy.


Congratulations to Mary Hart, well known local nurse and mother of 10 children (all attended Somerville‚Äôs schools), who recently graduated and became a Registered Nurse.   Mary and Dick Hart are very well known and their family has given a lot to Somerville over the years – stop in at the Health Clinic on Somerville Avenue and say hi to her – she‚Äôd like that.


The Little Sisters is having its Annual Christmas Bazaar on November 10th and are selling raffle tickets for a drawing on that day Рcall the Home and buy your tickets in advance. It’s a great organization and a fantastic place that we should all help support.


Seems the city is looking to make the bike path safer and brighter at night – the city will be repairing the path and replacing burnt out bulbs.


Seems that Charlene Harris Рyou know that School Committee lady from Ward 4 who just can’t complete 100 signatures to get on the ballot herself and every year enlists the help of the administration, well this year she couldn’t get them in before 5p.m. on deadline day…now she is looking to get re-elected without being on the ballot but needs 100 write-ins, if she doesn’t it could cost the city thousands of dollars just to have a special election.


Who are the “Villains in the ‘Ville” that are walking from neighborhood to neighborhood, especially on Medford Street, tearing down all those Curtatone campaign signs? Well, whoever it is, they don’t realize that every time he or she tears one of the signs down, the neighbors said that they would put up two more to replace them. You better watch out whoever is doing it Рyou never know when your picture is being taken.


Mayor Joe, who is also the President of the Massachusetts Mayors Association, is hosting a summit of all the Mayors right here in Somerville on September 26th. The big item we hear on the agenda is “Casino Gambling” and if it will be good or bad for the cities.


For all the fluff lovers out there, Saturday is your holy day. At the Union Square Plaza, Union Square Main Streets will celebrate all things marshmallow fluff with all types of fluff activities for the family. There’s fluff bowling, fluff races and a game called blind man’s fluff. "What the Fluff" is one more reason to love Union Square. Thank you Union Square Main Streets, you’ve made all of our fluff dreams come true.


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