Newstalk for Wednesday October 2nd 2007

On October 3, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News_talk_newRumor has it that finally the Wakeley Family has sold The Paddock Restaurant on Pearl Street to their former cook РM. DaCova Рwho left there a few years back to open his own restaurant in West Medford called Giuseppe’s. A lot of us in Somerville think this is good news Рthe business has steadily gone downhill over the last year.


The ‚ÄúBreakfast War‚Äù in Ball Square has calmed down and by the looks of it, there‚Äôs enough business for everyone – Sunday morning there were lines in front of them all – Kelly‚Äôs, Sound Bites and The Ball Square Caf√©. Each has their own unique menus and frankly has made Ball Square the place to be on weekend mornings.                                                                              


We heard an unconfirmed rumor that Maria Curtatone, the mayor’s sister and well known local attorney, may be planning to have a “Haunted House” at her huge old house Рformerly the Prospect Hill Manor – we will find out if it’s true or not.


Years ago (maybe the late 70s or early 80s) there was some kind of unofficial mutual agreement by all local politicians that they would not put signs up all around the city. Now it’s getting out of hand Рespecially in the past four years with candidates trying to see who can have the biggest signs. Hopefully the candidates remember to take their signs down Рit looks horrible leaving signs up.


The Civil Service hearing for former Police Officer Scott Trant was scheduled for last week but got postponed until November – now that should be an interesting hearing. 


Just when you started to get used to the snow emergency parking regulations that are in place here in the ‚ÄòVille, we just might be turning back the hands of time and going back to the old alternating system again! The Board of Alderman are being asked to consider going back to the old system that was in place about 20 years ago. Ward 6 Alderwoman Rebekah Gewirtz brought the proposal to the board.      


The St. Ann‚Äôs 125 Anniversary dinner was Saturday night ‚Äì considering the poor planning and coordination – it was well attended with plenty of familiar faces in the crowd from years gone by. We realize that it must be hard to try to locate and include people who went to school there or were former members of the parish and moved out of the city, but, that doesn‚Äôt excuse not being able to reach out to those not so active members of the parish who, for example, have lived within three blocks of the church their entire lives, graduated from St. Ann‚Äôs school and happen to be the editor of the local newspaper. You be the judge. Even the Cardinal was a no-show. It‚Äôs a shame this once very active parish for so many years had to combine with St. Catherine‚Äôs.   


Acting Collector/Treasurer Elizabeth Carveiro is going to be appointed to the job full-time – people are still trying to figure out why the former Treasurer Fowler left his position. Speaking of appointments, former Ward 2 Alderman Joyce was confirmed by the board last week for that nice position of Hearing Officer.


The Somerville High School Class of 1963 will be having their 45th Reunion on October 12th, 2008 (yes a year from now…it doesn’t hurt to get the word out early) at The Crestview – 36 Montvale Avenue in Woburn. The event will be from 6:30 p.m. until 11 p.m. – for more details, contact Betty Parise at


Congratulations to popular long time residents Dick and Mary Hart, formerly of Berkeley Street – their youngest daughter (out of 10) and twin Mary is getting married this Saturday in Woburn – we heard she had a great Bachelorette Party last Saturday night traveling all over the Boston Area – they had to hire a bus.


Want to give an alderman a piece of your mind on a city issue that has been bothering you? Well, you can let Alderman-at-Large Dennis Sullivan have it beginning Oct. 6 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in front of the Dunkin’ Donuts at lower Broadway and McGrath. Sullivan will be there and other parts of the city for the next four Saturday’s as part of his mobile office hours where he connects with constituents and residents about their concerns. So if you’re pissed about crime, parking tickets or anything else let Dennis know —- he’s a good guy, he can handle it, he may even be able to help.


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