Newstalk for Wednesday October 24th 2007

On October 24, 2007, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Seems pretty quiet with the alderman at large race and even though we have even seen Tony LaFuente out there working hard, as well as Fred Berman, we don‚Äôt see these two upsetting the present incumbents – Desmond, Sullivan, White and Connolly. It has been a while since an incumbent alderman at large was voted out of office ‚Äì the last being Vinny Ciampa ‚Äì and before him we can‚Äôt remember the last one.      


Ward 5 candidate for Alderman Joe Lynch is causing quite a stir with his Web site and the videos about his opponent РAlderman Sean O’Donovan. We have to admit we didn’t think Sean was that big of a developer here in the city Рit doesn’t make him a bad person Рbut now we understand why he defends certain developers. Check out the videos for yourself at


Now in Ward 6, the Princess just might pull it out this time – she‚Äôs so confident she was overheard telling someone that ‚Äúwe have the numbers to win in Ward 7‚Äù –  apparently she does know Ms. Heller and is openly supporting her candidacy against Ward 7 Alderman Bob Trane. Seems that Rebekah feels it‚Äôs all done in Ward 6 and she can now butt into another ward. Will this mean if Heller wins we will have two Princesses? Isn‚Äôt it popular amongst ‚ÄúRoyalty‚Äù to refer to themselves as ‚Äúwe‚Äù? Rebekah, don‚Äôt count Charlie out yet, he‚Äôs been quietly working very hard on the campaign trail and has a web site – – remember what happened to Marty in the special with Jack coasting into office because the so-called Progressives got overconfident?      


Ward 7 Alderman Bob Trane hosted a huge fundraiser Monday night at PJ Ryan‚Äôs in Teele Square and it was a success – a very mixed crowd of long time residents and newcomers‚Ķwhich is what we need to see more of these days. For over three hours people from all over the city and the ward in particular showed up to give their support to Bob – he‚Äôs a gentleman and has a great family with all the Nancy‚Äôs to back him up. 

We mentioned this last week – hopefully Rick Scirocco will take down his signs now that he has lost the primary – and we urge all candidates to take their signs down immediately after the final is over. There should be an ordinance in the city passed that if you run for public office and you have signs up, they need to come down within seven days after the election.


Speaking of signs, here’s a good one Рwe promised we wouldn’t use the names here, so you will have to use your imagination a little bit. It seems that a new Winter Hill resident from a very old old Somerville family bought a house and moved in about four months ago on a street between Central and Marshall. His neighbors are pretty strong supporters of Mayor Joe and live a couple of houses down from this new neighbor. Well, the new neighbor went door to door trying to find out who owned a couple of the houses that has Curtatone signs on the fences – he wound up finding the owner – part of a family that has lived there for 60 or more years – and asked him to take the signs down. The owner told this new neighbor politely that they were on his property and when the election was over he would take the signs down. At first we weren’t surprised by this story, because it happens all the time, but when we found out what two families were involved, it was shocking to say the least – anyone want to take a guess at who they were?


Happy Birthday this week to Donald Norton, publisher of The Somerville News on Thursday…also, well known resident Richard Hart and Mama Emily Tauro are also celebrating their birthdays this week – Emily still has people convinced that she is only 39!


Best wishes to Ms. Ruth Buonomo, the mother of Register of Probate John Buonomo, who spent the better part of last week in the hospital – we wish her well and a speedy recovery. 


Recent copy of the “Poets and Writers” had a front-page picture and inside story of Somerville poet and Bagel Bard member Affa Michael Weaver. Great article about him and it was very interesting Рthe reporter referred to Somerville as a “gentrified suburb of Boston.” Affa is the author of the newly released poetry collection “Plum Flower Dance” and was in the Somerville News Writers Festival in 2005. Job well done. Speaking of the Writers Festival, we hope everyone knows by now
that it has been moved to the George Dilboy Post at 371 Summer Street just outside Davis Square for Sunday Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. Go to the and click on the link to the events Web site.


For all the doubters out there, we‚Äôre now averaging between 1,100 to 1,300 unique hits to our web site – – that‚Äôs up from 800 to 1,000 just a month and a half ago‚Ķfor five weeks now we haven‚Äôt gone below 1,100 during the week. We‚Äôre still growing both in print and online.      


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