Newstalk for January 23rd 2008

On January 23, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Word from the Somerville Police Station is that the new Police Chief Anthony Holloway is the real deal! According to sources, the new chief strongly believes and is strictly enforcing the chain of command rule. It’ said that if a patrolman is not called to his office by the chief himself – that he or she has no reason for ever stepping foot in this office at all – his orders are that if you have a problem, see your Sergeant, if your Sergeant has a problem then he can see his Lieutenant and then to the Captains and so on. Another rule is that he does not like liars, so if you lie, you’re fired! This all sounds great, but let’s see how long it lasts. Oh, by the way, that controversy over the Chief’s new car? It seems that a brand new Crown Vic was in the garage underneath the station at least a week before the story.


New bank in town on Winter Hill – apparently to get a leg up on all the other local banks – they recruited the former manager of Citizens here in Somerville, who now is trying to take business away from Citizens. At the same time, we heard a strong rumor now that this bank ‚ÄúCiti Bank‚Äù, which just opened might be having major personnel cuts throughout the region and the newly opened bank and its staff are on the top of the list to be cut, unless they can convert some major business from the other local banks and fast. 


Bert Gay, the husband of Former Mayor Dot Gay, was rushed to Mt. Auburn Hospital in the middle of the night last week and has undergone a successful emergency surgery. He is by now comfortably resting at home and seems to be doing well.


Well known CPA and businessman Rocco Antonelli suffered the loss of his wife Elizabeth a few weeks past. Elizabeth was a former executive assistant of Middlesex County officials; our sympathy goes out to Rocco and his family on their loss.


Bob Publicover’s charity – the ‚ÄúCommittee For A Response‚Äù has tickets available for two Red Sox games on June 10 and July 7 in the right field grandstands.   Part of the proceeds of the $85.00 tickets goes to Somerville Charities – email Bob at for more info or to order. The tickets will run out quickly for the World Champions.


Sympathies to the family of Celia Magliaro Рlongtime owner and hostess of “LaContessa Bakery” in Davis Square for 40 years Рshe leaves behind family, including her brother, “Baker Joe” Magliaro Рwho still visits Somerville and lives in the North End. Many local folks spent hours with Celia just sitting in the bakery and talking about the world Рshe was so proud of her four nieces, all of whom are now great success stories.


Don’t forget about the free concert at the High School by the US Air Force Liberty Jazz Bank, Wednesday Feb. 6 at 7p.m.


Got a baseball cap, a new toy or a pair of good shoes that you would like to donate to a small village in El Salvador? A friend of The Somerville News is working with a village to rebuild it and is trying to take things that the people can use on each of his trips there.   ‚ÄúLittle Ed White‚Äù will be heading there again soon – you can leave the items at our office at 21A College Avenue and we will see that he gets them.


The Somerville Food Banks are running extremely low – Bob Publicover, our Publisher Emeritus – is helping start some programs to get various groups and/or clubs in the city to start canned food drives.   


Remember 1972 when Somerville was named the ‚ÄúAll American‚Äù city? If you don’t, take our word for it — it happened. Now 36 years later we hear there is a new movement afoot to nominate our city for the honor again. A lot has changed here in the last three plus decades but we’re just as American as ever. We think we have a shot at it again.


How will the Green Line affect your neighborhood? Find out Monday and Tuesday at meetings at the Somerville High lbrary and the Visiting Nurses Association, respectively.


Kudos to Ikea and Mayor Joe Curtatone for allowing East Somerville residents first shot at the jobs the new store is expected to generate.


Teens looking for a party can have a good time and help the city by showing up at the Glen Street post Friday night. Money raised will go towards rebuilding the East Somerville Community School so get up and get down.


Remember two years ago when Deval Patrick spoke at the city’s martin Luther King celebration? He was still an underdog to win the governor’s race but Somerville was behind him early (maybe he could return the favor by hiking up our local aid? Just a thought).


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