Monday night at the Democratic Ward and City Committee meeting saw probably one of the largest turnouts in recent history – some knew why, and others laughed and made comments like: ‚Äúthere must be something going on tonight‚Ķ‚Äù Yup, the so-called Progressives were on hand with their leaders – Queen Pat and Princess Rebekah and of course – he who doesn’t live in Somerville anymore – Prince Carl – to run their own PDSers and to take control. Apparently the ‚Äúregular‚Äù democrats defeated every candidate they popped up for election. There were over 125 present at the VNA for the meeting and as soon as Helen turned over the gavel to the newly elected Chairperson – Ms. Helen Chang – she was caught up in the middle of a fight for First Vice-Chair‚Ķseems the Democratic Party wants ‚Äúpaper ballots‚Äù but, you have to sign your name to the ballot – some of us are still trying to figure out the logic on that one. Others also wondered, along with us, as to why the PDS feels the need to be separate from the regular Democrats – isn’t this supposed to be the ‚Äúinclusionary party‚Äù? Like we have said many times before, we believe that the PDS isn’t interested in working with others – just interested in taking over – so remember that at election time.
One wonderful thing they did at the Democratic Ward & City Committee meeting was to recognize and congratulate all those who have served on the Committee for 20 years plus. There were a lot of familiar face there last night – with notable congratulations to Ward 5 and Highland Road residents Joe and Eileen Galvin – who were recognized for their 64 years of service as members of the Committee – imagine the stories they have to tell going way back even before JFK was our congressman. Best of luck to the Galvin’s – they also are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary.
Candidate Ed O’Reilly, who is running against Senator John Kerry, was at the caucus and was escorted around by Maria Curtatone – the Mayor’s sister – who introduced him to people and got quite a few signatures on his nomination papers. We noticed he was a graduate of New England School of Law – isn’t that interesting – some of us here at Newstalk wish him the best, he’s going to need a lot of money.
Condolences to Frank Corbin and his family for the loss of their dad, Paul! Mr. Corbin was a good father and a very nice guy who will be missed by many here in Somerville.
Congratulations to The Benevolent Asian Jade Society of New England on their 25th Anniversary! The Society of Nationwide Law Enforcement Agencies – which is big here in Massachusetts – has a wonderful mission to unite fellow officers to help charities in need and to promote brotherhood amongst each other. Among the local dignitaries present showing their support and representing Somerville recently at one of their events was our own Police Chief Anthony Holloway, State Rep. Tim Toomey, Alderwoman Maryann Heuston, the City’s Director of Operations Ricky Willette and of course many from the Somerville News (some are members of the Jade Society).
Talk on the street last week was that several department heads were asked by the Mayor on two separate occasions to go to Rhode Island and help campaign for Hillary! Rumor has it that the Mayor got a personal phone call from Hillary herself.
We’re just a bit curious about how, in a city which has a supposed moratorium in place since the Capuano administration against having new cellular phone towers installed in and around the city, some people are getting away with it? The multi-unit apartment building located at 422 Mystic Avenue, allegedly owned by none other than Frank Privitera, has been home to one such antenna for only a few years now. Still more talk on the street about Mr. Privitera wanting to have the same kind of antenna units installed on top of another one of his multi-unit apartment buildings located at 88 Beacon Street – does the moratorium not apply to everyone?
Congratulations to Melinda and William LaCourse from Alpine Street on the birth of their new baby girl, Emily Rose! She was born 6lbs, 2.5 ounces and 19.5 inches tall.
Last week’s Newstalk, reporting of the alleged lawsuit brought forth by the Gioioso Contracting Company against the city for unexpected contaminated soil removal on a Highland Road digging site, now brings further alleged news that the same company ran into problems on Central Street and Somerville Avenue as well this past month. Apparently while digging and laying pipes beneath Central Street, the Gioioso Company ran into a huge chamber beneath the city streets blocking and interfering with the pipe laying process. This is the main reason why construction was stalled on that street last month. The question is, who is responsible for the huge miscalculation in this instance? The city? The city’s engineers? Regardless of whose fault it is, the question now is who is going to pay for the huge cost overrun for rerouting the new pipes and the extra work that will accompany these blunders.
Seems that some big names are doing business in Somerville lately! Fox 25 News Anchorwoman Maria Stefanos was seen test riding a little red sports car at John’s Auto Sales this past weekend. John’s has been known for bringing in big names to the ‘Ville in recent years. One in particular was when Eddie Murphy gave John’s Auto Sales his Mercedes Convertible to sell for him while he was here recently.
It came to our attention that Queen Pat, who of course is the Queen of the Progressive Democrats here, endorsed and sent out an email to the faithful on Feb. 6 endorsing Woburn native Ed Quinn over Somerville’s popular West Ender Jim Campano for State Democratic Committeeman (who by the way won). You see, Jim, you’re not a card-carrying member of the PDS – so everyone, watch out they’re out to win anything and everything they can to gain control. If you’re not a member of the PDS, you won’t get their vote, no matter how ‚Äúprogressive‚Äù you think you are. Some of us here still like the term ‚ÄúSecular Progressive.‚Äù
There will be a community meeting regarding the proposed development at the MaxPak site tonight, Wednesday, March 12th at 6:30pm in the third-floor community room at the VNA, located at 259 Lowell Street.
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