Somerville’s Patriot’s Day Celebration

On April 16, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

– Photos by Donald Norton

Somerville celebrated Patriot’s Day at Foss Park Monday. Paul Revere’s Ride from Boston through Somerville to Lexington was recreated on it’s 237th Anniversary .

Monday’s event was organized by The Somerville Historic Preservation Commission and was well attended by members of the Board of Alderman and Somerville School Committee. Alderman Ward 1,  William Roche welcomed everyone and read a Proclamation from Governor Deval Patrick. The reading of “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” was read by Justin  and Charlotte Schofield.

Children played Colonial games and others dressed in Colonial attire to celebrate the day. Music was provided by the Somerville High School band.



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