Marc Strathmeyer: A metamorphosis

On March 27, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


By Harry Kane

Marc Strathmeyer, 26, has overcome adversity through years of encouragement from the staff at a Somerville nonprofit developmental disability center.

He has cerebral palsy, and walks with a limp. It wasn’t easy for him in the beginning. He was shy and a recluse.  Times have changed for Strathmeyer, though.

Four years ago he sat down with the Director of Day Services at the Walnut Street Center Craig Fletcher. Strathmeyer wanted a job, a position that would make him proud.

Fletcher set up an interview at the Museum of Science in Boston. “He was hired on the spot, which doesn’t happen very often,” said Fletcher.

Strathmeyer began working at the Butterfly Garden collecting tickets and greeting people. “When I first started working here I was really really shy…and now I feel like when I put the red sweater on I can help a guest out.”
Strathmeyer also works at the Omni Theater, making announcements.  He recalls one experience when he was working at the Omni Theater and there was a fire alarm. He had to evacuate everyone and the speakerphone was not functioning so he had to use his own voice and say, “Everybody needs to get out.”

Two years ago he purchased a 2007 Toyota Corolla. “It’s cool now to drive to work, and I don’t have to pay for parking.”

The services provided at the Walnut Street Center helped Strathmeyer become more independent. He’s gone through a metamorphosis. An emerging butterfly, Strathmeyer has undergone a transformation, allowing him to fly towards a brighter future.


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