The View From Prospect Hill – February 1

On February 1, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

It goes without saying that we all want a safe and comfortable place for our kids to be taught and spend a large amount of their time away from home. The question before us now is whether or not we should renovate the aging Somerville High School or build anew.

The present structure was wrought in a time when things were built to last, but even the mightiest of edifices must face their moment of critical appraisal. Time takes its toll and the inevitable certainty of natural deterioration cannot be ignored. Clearly, the situation must be addressed and a sensible solution to the problem adopted.

It is important to go into the decision making phase armed with incontrovertible facts and cool, dispassionate judgment. Does our dwindling student population warrant the tremendous expense involved in replacing the school that now stands? Is renovation of the present structure the most cost-effective answer for us?

Let us consider the options from all angles and decide on what is not only best for our kids but also for our community as a whole. We owe it to all concerned to get this one right.

As the song says, in time the Rockies may crumble, Gibraltar may tumble, they’re only made of clay. But, of course, SHS is here to stay. In one form or another, to be sure.


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