Newstalk – January 4

On January 4, 2012, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Happy New Year from all of us at The News and especially from those of us at Newstalk. Hopefully, 2012 will be the year we see on the road to economic recovery in all fields.  Starting off the New Year here in Somerville was, of course, the First Flag raising ceremony on Prospect Hill this past Sunday. On Monday night the new city government was sworn into office at the High School Auditorium. Let’s hope the city is moving forward in all aspects for us here.


At the Inaugural ceremony speeches are normally given by the new President of the Board of Alderman, the New School Committee Chairman as well as the Mayor. Alderman Tom Taylor from Ward 3 was voted president of the board this year, but he was home recovering from his illness. His lovely wife Celica Taylor gave his speech, which was very emotional and well received by all present. Celica is a former School Board member herself and was not new to the podium. We hope Tom will be back on his feet real soon, and look forward to his leadership role as the new President of the Board. Mayor Joe gave a great speech on all the positive things that were happening in the city and was well received by all present.


On the stage with Mayor Joe was former Mayor Eugene Brune, as well as newly elected Ward 4 Alderman Tony Lafuente. We wish Tony a lot of luck in representing Ward 4 and the city. Let’s hope his leadership in Ward 4 leads to something positive happening at the Winter Hill Start sight this year.


The Somerville Chamber of Commerce monthly After Hours Business meeting will be held this Thursday on the 5th from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Five Horses Tavern located right in Davis Square at 400 Highland Avenue. It’s always a great time to network and get to know a lot of the Chamber’s active members. The event is sponsored by Moschella & Winston and is hosted by Somerville Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours Chairperson Michelle Mulvena of Moschella & Winston.


We heard from reliable sources that Middlesex County District Attorney Jerry Leone would not be seeking re-election this coming year. He is said to be going into private practice. DA Leone has been a good District Attorney for Middlesex County.


Don’t forget the American Red Cross Blood Drive that’s happening at the Somerville High School on Monday, January 9, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Well, it’s here! Our Somerville News/Boston News Group’s newest publications have launched in thirty-seven cities and towns across the state and still growing! Visit us online at Watch us grow, check us out, and remember that good things begin right here in the ‘Ville!


Don’t forget the PDS is meeting on the 10th at the Precinct to possibly elect new officers, we hear. We, of course, wish them well. Maybe Dennis or Bill will show up and support them, since that was just about the only success story they had this past election.


Congratulations to Frank Senesi of the Veterans Services Department at City Hall for a successful eight-year run as the director. He accomplished a lot and did much for us here in the ‘Ville for both veterans and non-veterans alike. Frank is actually credited for organizing the successful parades on Memorial Day. In the old days if you blinked you missed them, but Frank worked hard and has made them a can’t-wait-to-see types of events. Frank retired on December 30. His co-workers threw him a retirement party this past Tuesday and all of his friends showed up to say so long, but not goodbye, because he and his lovely wife Kathy will still be around the ‘Ville. His very capable assistant, popular Kathleen Carey, remains on the job and will hopefully be there straight through until a replacement is picked by the city. His wife Kathy will have to be creative now that he is retired. Maybe they will join others down at the Elderly Drop In center on New Washington Street and go on some of those nice trips?


Starting off the New Year with Happy Birthdays to a few great ‘Villens both here in the city and all around. First to local attorney Ed Fitzgerald, who is a great guy. To Janene Snow, who just turned 24 this week, we wish her well. A good friend Pam Gee, who works for RLS2000. Popular school teacher up at the West Somerville School (also night school principal) Sophia Carafotes. Man about town and popular city Democratic Party member John Caruso, who is very active in political campaigns and, of course, is a nice guy.


Congratulations to Thomas and Barbara Carli on the recent birth of their second child, Joseph Anthony. They’re a nice family with Somerville roots.


Ariana Roche, another ‘Villen, recently made the Dean’s List for the first semester as a freshman at Westfield State University.


The city announced the new opening of the West Somerville Sub Police station, which is set to open within the next few weeks. It will be in the Administration Building at Clarendon Hill Towers located at 1372 Broadway. This will replace the one in Teele Square, which was burnt down this past Halloween.


Our sincere condolences to the family of Elaine M. Shaughnessy who sadly passed away last week. Elaine was a wonderful lady and will be sadly missed.


Well, lots of rumors are flying around the city this past week, including one that has to do with a local bar here in the city. We heard that Diva Restaurant in Davis Square over-sold admission tickets for a party on New Year’s Eve! The overflow crowd of between 60 to 80 people were denied access and turned away by the fire department who refused them entry to the building. Rumor is that the restaurant allegedly sold the admission tickets that also offered an open bar. The patrons that got turned away said that they ordered the tickets on-line for the New Year eve party. They also complained that management took no responsibility to rectify the problem, especially since the crowd that was turned away had to stand outside the restaurant in the cold. Management, when asked, had no reply when paid patrons ask for a refund. Somerville Police and Fire Department officers were on the scene to keep the peace and control the angry crowd of people.


To all those who don’t know or pretend they don’t know, Newstalk has been around for about 41 years now. It’s a rumor column. A gossip column which has some factual information and some not so factual rumors that are whispered around the city. Sort of like Speak Out – you call, they publish it, but nowhere near as bad as the old Somerville Community Newspaper (which ended publishing early 2000 we believe ) which had as its rumor column “The Somerville Snoop.” We have some not so fond memories of those columns here to remind us that no matter what, however vicious and vindictive the hallmark of the Somerville Snoop, it can never be Newstalk. But again, don’t mistake it, we are a gossip column. Hell, we know other media outlets read this column as well as thousands of ‘Villens every week. So get a grip, to all those out there in the ‘Ville who don’t understand. We are here, and if you’re a political figure or a well-known person and you do something or we hear about it from the many sources out there, we will print it. It doesn’t matter who you are or who you’re a related to, we will print it. Because that is our job, to let you, the public, know what’s going on. At least we are fair, not like some of the local blogs who refuse to list the Somerville News!


Last week we made reference to Rep. Carl Sciortino being challenged this year by some locals either over here in Somerville or where he lives over in Medford. We heard he got on the defensive and called a few people to complain that he never went back on his word. We know that he has since more than one has said it. He specifically told one person running for local office he would stay out of the race and then he went endorsed the individual’s opponent publicly at the opponents fundraiser. No one has a problem with his actual endorsement but to say one thing and do another – sounds like Mitt Romney doesn’t it?


We still think and hear that a few locals are going to be testing the waters over the next couple of months for some races. Some for State Senator Jehlen’s seat, and some for Rep. Provost and Rep. Sciortino’s seats. We even heard that Senator Jehlen might just decide to retire after almost 40 years as an elected official. If that happens we understand the field could be big. That would make it interesting year overall won’t it? Especially with the Presidential and Congressional elections coming up this year. One rumor we keep hearing from reliable sources is that our own Mayor Joe Curtatone is going to be running for Governor, but that won’t be for another 3 years. He’s going to make a formidable candidate for the job.


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