Newstalk for September 24

On September 24, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Tonight the countywide caucus will be held at Waltham High School to vote and nominate a Democrat to take the place of former Register of Probate John Buonomo, who recently resigned. Popular local pundit Joe Lynch will be hosting the “Somerville Pundit” talk show live with call-ins from the caucus, from both delegates and The Somerville News crew – who will be there covering it. Join Joe on SCATV at 8:00 p.m. and if you want to throw in your two cents, call him live at 617-628-9876.


We heard from a little birdie that one of the three candidates was going to show up at Wednesday’s caucus handing out t-shirts with N.A.S.A. printed on the back (an acronym for “Not Another Somerville Alderman”). Isn’t that typical of the haters out there Рjust goes to show you even at an all Democratic caucus that stuff can happen, we hope whoever thought of that idea doesn’t do it.


Last Wednesday evening at the Precinct Bar in Union Square, The Somerville News had a nice gathering of all the contributors, writers, staff, advertisers and everyone who helped us progress these past five years as a weekly community newspaper. Lots of people showed up and everyone had a good time Рwe are already planning another one. Thank you to Somerville and our readers, both in print and online. We are now up to 6,000 copies printed and distributed to 149 locations weekly and our website has recently had as many as 2,100 visits in a single day Рwhich makes us the largest circulated and visited community newspaper in Somerville – and the only one locally owned and operated.


By the way for those that don’t get it, this is a rumor column with gossip from around the city Рmaybe it’s true or not Рwe leave that up to the readers. Newstalk has been a separate part of the paper that now has over 28 Newstalkers from around the city. And it’s growing all the time. The stories written in the news are just those stories without comment, from the writer, but in Newstalk it’s gossip and rumors.


Popular local Ellie Blute Рlong time Title One Coordinator for the Somerville Public Schools for the past 28 years is retiring. She’s also been a Somerville PTA member for over 40 years. Some of us can’t believe she’s retiring Рher friends are going to throw her a huge party at the Dante Club on Craigie Street, on Friday, Oct. 3. Everyone has been touched by Ellie’s kindness and we here at The Somerville News wish her the best of luck in the future Рcongratulations Ellie for a job well done.


Talk about coincidences, last week former Mayor Dorothy Kelly Gay and husband Bert boarded a plane for a 2-week vacation in Ireland. Little did they realize that sitting in front of them was former campaign worker and fellow Irishman Fergal O‚ÄôToole, we heard from sources on the plane that the hatchet was buried between them, they made peace with each other, hopefully that mood carries over when they all get home.   


It’s true former mayoral candidate Tony LaFuente and his family have their beautiful custom home on Sycamore Street in Winter Hill up for sale Рlisted at only $1.6 million Рhe has it listed with his friend Jackie Veri at CBRB Рfor a private showing give her a call, but a sizable down payment will be required to secure the home. We heard Tony was looking for a new home in Prospect Hill as well. We also heard but can’t confirm yet that another popular person from Prospect Hill was moving to the Ten Hills Рnot to mention several former prominent Somerville residents that grew up here – and are now finding themselves “empty nesters” and are looking to make the move back. Somerville real estate has managed to hold its own in this market, much better than the suburbs have Рwhich is a good thing, we think.


We would like to wish Judy and Mike Podymatis – both life-long Somerville residents – a Happy Anniversary. They are very involved in the Eastern Star Chapter here in Somerville as well as on the state level in that organization. We certainly wish Judy and Mike many happy returns.


That Condo Conversion Ordinance is BACK…. the same people are involved in writing it, and now its going to committee hearings, next Thursday Oct. 2 at the Board of Aldermen, if you’re interested show up and express your concern. They also will want to tell you that the Greater Boston Real Estate Board supports this on behalf of the property owners and members, we have actual letter from the Board saying the opposite, in no way do they support this ordinance…to some it’s still Rent Control just by another name.


One final note, we here at Newstalk have to congratulate Carl Sciortino for running an effective campaign organization last week ‚Äì which, to be honest hasn‚Äôt been seen since the 1980s with the infamous Albano and Piro battles. We heard Carl had over 350 volunteers all day long and if he didn‚Äôt, it sure looked like it – but what was most impressive was the fact they came to do a job and nothing was going to stop them. 


Friends and family of the late Hale Champion, father of City Hall spokesman Tom Champion, will gather for a celebration of Hale’s life on Sunday, October 5 from 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM in the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at Harvard. Hale’s impressive career spanned not only academia, but also senior positions in federal, state and local government, in philanthropy and in journalism. On October 5 his friends, students and colleagues will speak about his energy, insight and warmth. If you’re interested in attending RSVP by sending an email to                                 


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