Dance, think at Johnny D’s Sunday

On December 3, 2008, in Community/Arts, by The News Staff
My Dear Disco will make you shake your booty whether you want to or not. ~Photo by Christine Hucal

By Camille Pandian

An upstart band that wants to "make you shake your booty" is coming to Johnny D's Sunday. My Dear Disco stop in Somerville this week before tour dates in New York, Chicago and Philadelphia to promote their new album, "Dancethink."

The title reflects how the band views their music, said drummer Mike Shea. "We want it to be extremely danceable, and just make you wanna shake your booty. But also intelligently composed," he said.

The seven members of My Dear Disco met at the University of Michigan and are all originally trained in jazz and classical music. "The dance aspect is important," Shea said. "But [we also do] a little bit more than just techno club music."

The band is inspired by Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder, and electronic bands such as Daft Punk, Justice and Brazilian Girls. Songs are written collaboratively. "Someone will bring in a rough idea," Shea said. "And everyone else contributes."

Indeed, this is a band that is all about teamwork. All seven members were close friends before they formed as one. Now they remain close, living in two houses in Ann Arbor, Michigan, while writing songs, touring, recording and performing shows together.

While My Dear Disco doesn't get too political in their music, they do lead by example in other ways. All their album cases are printed on recycled cardboard, they have converted their tour bus to run on vegetable oil and they played in a rally for Barack Obama the night before the election. "So I suppose we do have a message," Shea said. "We just don't express it in our lyrics."

Emphasizing the band's democratic ideals, they also draw inspiration from the art forms of their friends, who are dancers, visual artists, painters and poets.

Sunday will mark My Dear Disco's fifth time playing in the Boston area. Two members of the band, Michelle Chamuel (vocals) and Christian Carpenter (bass) are originally from Massachusetts.

What does the band think of the music scene here? "We've had tons of luck in Boston," Shea said. "Each show has had an incredible response. Each time we play everyone comes back and everyone brings several friends. People just really enjoy it."

My Dear Disco, 9 p.m., Sunday at Johnny D's, 17 Holland Street, Davis Square. 617-776-2004.


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