The View From Prospect Hill

On January 14, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

have a new President coming into office this coming week, bringing with
him the promise of a new direction for the country – but more
importantly – a new hope for people all across this nation and the
world. Well, we sure could use some good news these days, couldn't we?

kidding aside, unless you are completely irrational, you have to
understand that George W. Bush is not the anti-Christ. He is not the
cause of every problem this country has at the moment, but he is an
easy target, and quite frankly, he did it to himself. He certainly did
create some of the problems we are facing nationally today – and it is
apparent he knows that as well as anyone else when analyzing his
remarks this last week of his Presidency.

You want to know what
a "bad" President is like? Open a history book and look into the
spectacular failure of our fifteen President – James Buchanan was. Now
that was a President who needed a security detail after he left office.

"Dubya" leaves office with the highest unfavorable (popularity) rating
in the history of rating such things, he will most likely land in the
low 30's in history books when all is said and done. But enough of that
– we want to make this space this week less about the outgoing guy's
shortfalls and more about the new feel-good attitude that should be
sweeping across the nation in the next few weeks.

Hopefully the
House and Senate can come together with bipartisan support for the much
needed, immediate initiatives and legislation that will come flying out
of the White House not only in the next few weeks, but the next four

Our country deserves a chance to get back to normal again
– to put behind us the failed foreign policies of the past several
Presidents, to put an end to the extreme dramatics that lay just behind
the cyclical nature of our economy, to start funding programs like No
Child Left Behind and once and for all – start seriously looking at
alternative energy sources and get behind such great ideas as stem-cell

Now is the time for us to reap the rewards of electing
an exciting new President and get behind his clear vision of where we
need to be going as a nation – because while the effects of local
policies might more directly impact our daily lives right this second,
we cannot forget even for a minute, that all things local trickle down
from our national and state policies.


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