City holds Commissions Workshop

On October 12, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Sonja Darai fields questions about the city’s various Commissions and the roles that they play in enhancing the quality of life in Somerville. - Photo by Hary Kane

By Harry Kane

A workshop designed to educate the public on the city’s commission programming met on Thursday, October 6.

In Somerville there are five Commissions: The Somerville Commission for Women, Multi-Cultural Affairs Commission, Commission for People with Disabilities, Fair Housing Commission, and Human Rights Commission.

Nancy Bacci, who chairs on the Somerville Commission for women said, “workshops like these are a good opportunity to further develop community engagement and civic participation.”

Sonja Darai staffs three of the commissions. “People find community by being in a commission,” Darai explained. Commissions can help people develop skills and gain experience.  “It’s an opportunity to disengage from the stresses in life and focus on volunteerism.” People can find out about resources, programs and non-profit agencies that they can relay to their friends.

Some people can join a commission in order to meet new people, reducing the effects of loneliness and isolation.

Participation varies per commission, depending on the amount of time the volunteer has and the duration of the commission meeting. Most volunteers donate anywhere from 1-5 hours per month. Darai explained that if you were to give just a half an hour of your time per month people in Somerville could benefit.

By going to commission meetings Somerville residents can identify priorities and residents can educate city officials. “Residents start knowing their rights. They feel more empowered,” Darai urged.

The Somerville Commission for Women holds meetings regarding topics such as: teens against dating abuse, paid sick days legislation, the Somerville Clothesline project, and an anti violence task force. In the past they have organized various events, such as a meeting to educate girls about body image.

The Commissions are made up of Somerville residents and there are no requirements to participate in a commission. Darai is currently looking for advocates to recruit for the Multi-Cultural Commission. She can be contacted by phoning 617_625_6600, x2400 or by email:


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