Newstalk for January 21

On January 21, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

glad to see (from email sources) that the PDSers are letting their
membership know when and where the next meeting is – last year you had
to send and email to the Chairperson to get that information. If you
read the agenda they have, you'd have to laugh. One says "upcoming
campaign and candidate training" – are they training candidates?? Or
are they looking over the landscape to see whom they can defeat??
Another one is "endorsement discussion on the condo conversion
ordinance" well we can tell you what that's going to be…no big
surprise there, especially since their Princess Rebekah has spearheaded
this new or not so new ordinance, we bet they endorse it, anyone want
to bet otherwise?? We love this agenda – one that says "PDS campaign on
how Somerville will respond to the national and state financial
downturn!" We don't have to comment on this one, reading it is enough.


of that Condo Conversion Ordinance, have you noticed there is a lot of
backtracking here?? They can't get their act together since we
disclosed that it's not true what Princess Rebekah has been saying all
over, the Greater Boston Real Estate Board doesn't support the
ordinance. As a matter of fact, none of the Board members that live,
work and do business here in Somerville were even aware that someone in
Boston was on the committee – that's probably because the committee
knew they wouldn't support the ordinance. Anyways, we hear that the
hearing that counts with the Alderman isn't scheduled till maybe March
now. The horse has left the barn on this dumb proposal, maybe someone
should let all those public employees know that up at City Hall – oh
yeah, they're not affected by the economy, are they?? How many condo
conversions have gone through recently as opposed to last year? It's a
dumb ordinance and a waste of time, but then again maybe some City Hall
employees have to look busy these days? We heard personally that
certain City Hall employees are not happy with the News for disclosing
the real truth about the condo committee members.


nice to see that the yearly "golf trip" (wink wink) to the Bahamas is
on again with the Who's Who at the SHA and this year the Chairman of
the ZBA will be attending along with one of Somerville's finest
employees – we will keep you posted who the winner is! Good time to
head south – weather-wise but these guys are no fools – they know when
to get away!


What's going on with Verizon
these days?? Especially up off North Street, many residents without
phone services for days and days…and no response or apology. Maybe
the Alderman will ask why when they come to get a permit to do work in
the city! Or maybe Verizon should pay residents and business up there
for loss of phones?


Seems like the
Breakfast Wars in Ball Square might be over with, we hear that one of
the establishments might be out of business if they don't correct a
serious violation of the city ordinance and do it quickly – apparently
the city has given the owner until February to correct a violation.
We'll be nice on who it is – except to say they paid over a Million
Dollars for the place!


In most cities
we're all familiar with, when the city declares a snow emergency, the
meters are shut down – but not here in Somerville – our meters are on
and the Traffic and Parking people are out giving tickets. So don't
think you're in Cambridge or Boston and its ok to park at a meter
during a snow emergency! Hey we need to generate income from every


We've heard through sources that
the crossing guard at the Winter Hill School (Medford Street &
Central Street) is getting lazy these days, keeping her hands in her
pockets these days when stopping traffic…Maybe she's not happy with
the pay they get for doing the job? But a lot of parents have said
something and hopefully something is done before an accident happens.
So some of us here at Newstalk were watching over a period of days and
yes its true, she uses her eyes to slow down traffic…it's maybe a new


Have you noticed that certain
stores and/or businesses here in Somerville have some very ignorant
employees? With the economy the way it is and layoffs and people losing
their jobs, you'd think people who work directly with the public might
want to be a little more courteous and live by that old adage "the
customer is always right" and always say "Thank you" Well, not in some
stores here, especially Stop & Shop and some Dunkin' Donuts – maybe
classes in the basics of being courteous might help?


of things happening this year, first of all our own live TV show on
city cable 3 will air its first broadcast next Thursday the 29th in the
evening at 8pm. The show will be called The Somerville News Talk
Show…Various hosts and guests each week to discuss current events and
articles in the papers that week. Starting off as host will be Joe
Lynch and he will have a special guest each week. The first show will
obviously be on current events happening in the city, which will be
announced in the paper. So call in and be a part of it.


go out to the family of Thomas Murphy Sr. of Murphy The Florist on
Highland Avenue. Tom sadly passed away on Friday after a lengthy battle
with cancer. He opened the florist shop after serving in the Korean War
and he just celebrated 55 years of doing business here in Somerville.
Tom made many friends along the way and was dedicated in helping others
as VP of the Somerville Lions Club, a nice guy who loved Somerville.


recent passing and also from cancer was Claire Olsen – long-time
Somerville resident and founder of the Walnut Street Center in 1970,
she led the Center as Executive Director for about 30 years. Claire is
leaving behind many devoted family and friends whom she has touched
with her kindness and her enthusiasm and energy over these many years.
She was a great lady who did a lot and never sought public recognition.
Our deepest condolences to her family, some of us here at Newstalk knew
her personally.


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