Newstalk – September 28

On September 28, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

We hear from internal sources that were present at the fundraiser for Ward 4 candidate Christine Barber that she had about 25 people who showed up and again only a couple from Winter Hill. Guess she must have flown her contributors in from San Francisco, again? We also hear that Rep. Carl Sciortino endorsed her at the fundraiser. She’s a lucky lady to have his endorsement, isn’t she? Carl, as everyone knows, has two of the three precincts in Ward 4 he represents. Speaking of which, with all the celebrities up in Ten Hills we heard maybe he might have a strong opponent at next year’s state elections.


Guess we caused a little commotion up at the Holland Street senior center. We incorrectly  misspelled on its more popular ladies names celebrating her 99th Birthday. We’re told she got a kick out of it, that its been done in the past. So, to set the record straight, it’s Ida Azzolino, who is 99 and working easy towards the big 100 next year. Again, you can catch up with her at the Center or down at Market Basket. She’s the one zipping down the aisles fast. Happy Last Week Birthday Ida, and congratulations again.


Our good friend Bob Publicover came home this past Saturday but was going back to the hospital for surgery again on Thursday. He heals faster when he’s home, and everyone wants him to heal fast, plus he can give orders to everyone from command central: his bedroom. David, his better half, is said to have lost weight from all the running around. Speaking of running around, his nice sister Marylyn is here from Arizona until Bob releases her home. Just in case he started to get worse, we took pictures of Bob at command central and threaten that if he doesn’t get well soon we will publish those pictures. He loves that stuff, though. Seriously, a big Happy Birthday to Bob this week as well. He’s truly a great guy and is well known in the community. In these tough times for him we wish him nothing but the best. Many more Birthdays Bob, and everyone send him wishes at He loves that.


Our Publisher Donald Norton was re-inducted back into Somerville Rotary this week at the regular meeting of the club at the Mt. Vernon Restaurant.  Past President Paul Kaufman did the short ceremony and Donald, himself a Past President in 1991, was applauded by all present and welcomed back. Donald’s sponsor was the present President herself, Jeannie Scarpa of Century Bank.


Somerville Rotary club presents its 2011 Charity Event “A Night of Comedy and Fun” October 5 at 6:30 p.m., Giggles Comedy Club, Rte. 1, Saugus (aka The Prince Pizza- look for the leaning tower). Featuring top local comedians, a Silent Auction, Raffles, Cash bar and all you can eat Pizza and Salad $25.00. Great time every year. If you’d like to go contact the President Jeannie Scarpa at There are still tickets available, room for everyone.


Is technology quickly passing you by?  Has that son or daughter promised to help you in getting an email account or on Facebook, pay your bills etc.? A new company is starting up here in Somerville this week, Cameleon Technology. Lots of people older and some younger would love to know how to just do simple tasks on the computer. Well, now there is group of people who will do this. It’s less expensive than other companies and, better yet, you don’t have to wait for little Jimmy or Mary to set this up for you.   Call them today and/or see their ad this week in The News. 617-286-6344 or email They will also be specializing in small businesses to get them up and running on the Web, Facebook, and all the other social media programs. Their goal is to educate those who technology passed by, no matter how old.


Happy Birthday here in the ‘Ville to Wilber Smith who is 99 years old this week (must be something good in the water). We’re told he’s a loyal Somerville News reader.  Also, Happy Birthday to a good guy, Somerville Police Officer Bob Hickey. Also this week, although a Townie, our good friend Joey Lacey who owns Jenny’s Pizza in Charlestown. We wish a hamburger like he sells could be avaialable here in the ‘Ville. Awesome hamburgers and you can’t beat the price. While we mention some local notables here and there on their birthdays, we can’t forget our good friend JoeAnne Crosby at Pat’s Auto Body shop, she’s a special lady.


Condolences to the family of Jay Emond. Jay recently passed away and will be missed by all those that he touched over the years.


Also, condolences to the family of Betty Ann Newcombe who passed away on Sunday after a very long and brave battle. Betty was a lovely lady.


Dog owners beware when you leave your dog alone in Ball Square because it might be missing when you return. At least that’s what almost happened to one of our Newstalkers on Monday as he tied up his dog out in front of Kelly’s Diner in Ball Square for a minute or two while he was inside buying a coffee. A man walking by untied the little dog named “Coco” from the diner’s railing and started walking down the street with her until he was caught red handed by the dog’s owner.   His only excuse when confronted with the K9 crime was that he was “only taking the dog for a walk and didn’t want him to get hit buy a car” – ! Ya right!


A very Happy Anniversary to our good friends Doreen and Kenny Hanaford. We wish them all the best! Also, Doreen is celebrating her birthday here as well.


Come on down to Golds Gym at Somerville Twin City Plaza and check out all the new changes to the place! We hear that owner Joanis is gathering the gang again for a celebration and for appreciation for their years of dedicated patronage with the gym. We will keep you up to speed when we hear more details on it, but tell them that you heard it here in The News!


In political circles, our good friend Tara DeCristofaro, the Register of Probate, is having a fundraiser on Wednesday, October 19, at the Montvale Plaza. Contact Jerry for RSVP: 781-866-1451. Tara and her entire family are usually there. We are great fans of her and her family. After all, don’t forget that her husband is from Somerville himself.


We are sorry to hear that another local business has closed. We heard that Gargoyles has closed. They were located in Davis Square. A lot of businesses are having problems and it’s a shame. We continue to lose private sector workers. We need to support local businesses more than ever now.


Stan and Gay Koty’s daughter Ali and her new husband Mark Fernandes married last week. We were told a great time was had by all with many local celebrities present. We also were sad to hear that Stan and Gay’s long time summer home in Falmouth burned down a week ago just before the wedding. A lot of memories were made in that home over the past 20 or so years. We wish them well in rebuilding.


It still isn’t late to register for Night School in Somerville. Know any teenagers learning to drive that need to take Drivers Ed? Maybe you know a high school student who needs to make up an academic course. How about a sewing, computer or a cooking course to spice up your life? Night school may just have what you are looking for. It’s not too late. You can register this week. Most courses cost $150 and may have a book or materials fee. All classes take place up at: Somerville High School, 81 Highland Avenue, Tuesday and Thursday nights 6-9 p.m. Register September 29 at 5:45 p.m.


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