Newstalk for February 11

On February 11, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

you haven't been to the new Bread & Co. in Winter Hill since it
opened in December, you're missing one of the new best places to eat.
Some of us showed up this past week for breakfast and lunch the food
was out of this world – the people there are extremely friendly and
there are lots of choices on the menu. This coming week we're going to
try the Green Tomato and Alfresco's – yes they all advertise with us as
well, but reports back from random people are very good and we want to
check it out for ourselves.


With a lot of
controversy of what is a Secular Progressive, it was decided to look it
up and believe it or not, if you just simply Google the words "the
meaning of Secular Progressive" – we couldn't find anywhere on the 'net
that says it means a person who is labeled as such wasn't religious, so
is it possible that even the Cardinal can be a secular progressive?
Absolutely. We think that the Progressives Liberals should properly
think before they write stuff, but hey the PDSers are the same group
who were holding secret meetings back over a year ago according to
their own secret emails sent out.


heard through the grapevine that a local restaurant owner wants to
bring to Somerville a new "Youth Center" and they're looking at the old
Carey Limousine building on Lower Broadway. Nice to hear it, and we
certainly wish him luck.


Wishing again
Joey Mongiello from John's Auto sales a get well soon! Joey is now home
recovering after a lengthy hospital stay – we wish him well and hope
that he gets back to selling cars again real soon, everyone misses him.


Somerville High Adult Education classes are beginning – if you're
interested in the various courses they offer it's a great inexpensive
way to expand your educational horizons – under Mike Ciampa's
leadership, a lot of new classes and instructors have been added this
semester. Call the school at 617 625-6600 or email mike at for times, dates and classes being offered.


to Somerville's own Peter L. Miller, who has joined the Castle Group as
a principal. The Boston public relations agency focuses on such market
segments as consumers, financial services and higher education. Peter
will work on business development and corporate strategy. His resume
includes stints as chairman of Massachusetts Communications College in
Boston and he was the chairman of the Somerville Zoning Board of
Appeals for many years.



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