Contrapose Dance performs on Union Sq. Plaza

On August 17, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Slightly Broken - performed by Arian Winn. Choreography by Courtney Peix. - Photo by Harry Kane

The Somerville Arts Council presented  Contrapose Dance on the Union Square Plaza Saturday, Contrapose Dance, known for its bold, uniquely original repertory danced by highly skilled dancers, it presented eight distinct selections from its repertory. Works by choreographers Courtney Peix, Marcus Schulkind, Jennifer Hardy, and Nicole Pierce were enjoyed. The pieces ranged  from the balletic influence, to strait up modern, and a blend of both.

Galatea's Awakening - performed by Hans Rinderknecht & Mariah Steele of Mariah Steele/QuickSilver Dance. Choreography by Mariah Steele. Music by Alan Hovhaness. - Photo by Harry Kane


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