The View From Prospect Hill

On May 13, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

amuses us that there are some people in this city who actually think we
are a bunch of conservatives, and as a result, decide to lump us in
with the whole "oh this city is full of crooked people" schtick they
sell to new people who move here. Fact is, there are some of us who
have played instrumental parts in forming the most liberal and
progressive organizations in this city's history.

But don't tell them that – oh no.

who the Hell says it is too early to start railing on politicians,
political wannabes and pod people? Nomination papers are available
since this Monday, so now it will be time to separate the herd and see
what's what and who has the intestinal fortitude to step up and put
their name on a ballot – to put their rhetoric to the test and actually
do something about it, if it's really that bad here. There is at least
one person willing to go up against an incumbent this year, and from
what we hear, there will be a few more jumping into the fray.

is a lot of talk about who will be running for office this year, but
until those papers are pulled – and then actually handed back in and
certified – talk means nothing in this city. There will be some
candidates who will have a terrific chance to unseat an incumbent or
two – we hope – and there will be a candidate or two that will most
likely be crushed so bad, they will never ever run for office again –
we hope.

One thing is for sure, it will be a fun political
season for us – there is never a shortage of entertainment value
candidates and supporters in the 'Ville.


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