Jimmy Del Ponte On The Silly Side
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All America City competition has been sponsored by the National Civic
League for the last 60 years. Somerville took the honor in 1972. We
were finalists in 2008, and we were victorious in 2009.
Over 30
citizens planned, rehearsed and packed for Tampa Florida on June 17th.
We met in the darkened parking lot of City Hall at 4am. We felt pumped
yet nervous as we boarded a bus that took us to Logan Airport for our
flight. The trip was paid for completely by donations from our fabulous
businesses and citizens. Thank you all.
Our presentation
focused on the Green Line extension with concentrations also on other
key city issues. You can find documentation on the city website.
pull off such an extensive project as a trip to the All America City
finals, many people and departments had to pull together. It starts at
the top with Mayor Joe Curtatone, who never let the pain of our defeat
in last years finals leave his soul. He came back 500% stronger and
more determined this year. Jackie Rossetti was at the helm as our
project leader. Once again she proved that anything associated with
Jackie Rossetti ends up successful. There is not an un-positive bone in
her body. The fundraiser that was sponsored by Steve Mackey, Ron Bonney
and the fantastic Chamber of Commerce way back when raised needed
funds. Thanks to the TAB building folks and the SHS library people for
supplying us with rehearsal spaces. Also thanks to Tom Champion and the
Communications Department for sending Joe Constantine and Steve De
Carlo to document it for prosperity.
I spent many hours in
Somerville High School's Graphic Communications Department. I spoke to
my old friend Philip Bassett, Director of Vocational Education, who
sent me to Graphic Communications Instructor Chuck Gerlach. Chuck could
not have been more accommodating and helpful, as well as a very funny
guy. He turned simple ideas into colorful, detailed and exciting
posters, that we later had mounted for our presentation. The students
of Somerville are very lucky to have such a dedicated instructor as
Chuck. He not only helped our project, but we came to him at the end of
a very busy school year and to watch him with his students was a
pleasure. By the way, if you haven't seen Somerville High School lately
you are in for a big surprise. The place is awesome!
A huge
thank you also goes out to Headmaster Anthony Ciccariello, and
Superintendent of Schools Tony Pierantozzi. Thanks for your continued
support in all things cultural and civic related.
The Chamber of
Commerce hooked us up with a company called VDA Productions whose
headquarters are on Inner Belt Road. Have you seen the State House and
The gigantic Wally The Green Monster at Jordan's Furniture in Avon?
Well, that's the company! These guys mounted our posters, designed
stands and signs and also shipped everything down to Tampa. Little did
I know that the President of VDA David Breen is my fraternity brother
from Emerson College, and Vice President Bob Russo's family ran
Jasper's rock club (now Choices). The Somerville connection is a
magical thing. I'd also like to thank Maryn Herberg, Harrison Rabel and
Julia Clapper at VDA for all your help. We had a Green Line train with
working lights! We are also indebted to our friends at the Green and
Yellow Cab company. You rock (and roll)!
Here is a list of the
folks who made the trip and took part in the winning presentation.
Maureen Bastardi, Jackie Rossetti, Carrie Dancy, Cheryl Horan, Cindy
Hickey, Cory Mashburn, Delio Susi, me, Ellin Reisner, Gene Brune,
Gretchen Kinder, Holli Banks, Janice Delory, Janine Lotti, Jen
Lawrence, Jack Connolly, Joe Constantine, Steve DeCarlo. Joe Curtatone,
Karen Tamagna, Kimberly Smith-Cofield, Liliane Paiva, Michelle Bowler,
Mimi Graney, Patrick Cain, Patrick Sullivan III, Paul Carroll, Paulo
Gutierrez, Rachel Strutt, Ron Bonney, Ruby Von Dwornick, Sue Fontano,
Talia Mosley, Tom Taylor, Sarah Rossi and Florence Papagno.
got to meet new friends in Tampa and spend some fun time with each
other. All our hard work paid off and the whole city can be proud
because it truly took a village.
As I said before, the thing
that makes this All America City Award more sweet is the fact that so
many people helped. It is an award we can all be proud of. Check out
YouTube and the city website for more footage.
I would like to
thank the Mayor and the city for allowing me to be part of one of the
most exciting experiences of my life. To have been part of the losing
delegation last year and to regroup with this year's determined group
was nothing less than a glorious triumph.
Somerville has always
been an All America City. Like the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, who
always had a brain, we always knew we were an All America City. Now we
have a testimonial to prove it.
Also thanks to The Somerville
News who had the story with photos up on their website seconds after we
gave them the good word from Tampa. All Aboard! Somerville Truly Rocks!
You can email Jimmy direct at jimmydel@rcn.com.
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