Jimmy Del Ponte On The Silly Side
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good friend Alan Nissenbaum of the re-cycled auto parts dynasty thinks
I have run out of topics to write about. The name of this column is "On
The Silly Side" so that gives me a lot of free territory to explore –
there is a lot of "silly" stuff just fermenting in my head. All I have
to do is censor/tone it down a bit and I have an article. Running out
of ideas, indeed! I can talk about the fact that Alan gave me an
unbelievable deal on a re-cycled air conditioner condenser for my gas
guzzling un-earth-friendly, yet very practical because I tote a lot of
musical and camping equipment and kids around on a daily basis, SUV.
Seems that the truck was "acting a lot like it's owner and blowing a
lot of hot air!"
Running out of stuff to write about? Are you kidding? Never, my friends, never.
about that ArtBeat? The annual gathering of all things artsy, creative,
musical, tasty, odd and interesting. This year I actually got to spend
some time in a shady spot. Doesn't it seem that ArtBeat is always the
most humid and sticky hot day of the summer? But it is always well
worth it. People came from all over to bask in Villicity. A friend came
from Arlington and just happened to catch the performance by my awesome
Sunsetters. Talk about a fashion show? Tie-dyed, dreadlocks, piercings,
tattoos, great hats, lots of kids, piercings, sandals, flip flops, more
tattoos, more piercings and an ample smattering of underarm shrubbery.
ArtBeat is a tradition that Somerville always pulls off successfully
and it gets better every year.
And on the serious side, it is
an honor for me to talk about SC Second Class Carl J. Lorenzo Square at
the corner of Morrison Ave and College Ave. Carl served bravely and was
decorated while in the Navy during World War II. Frank Senesi did a
great job as usual in putting together and emceeing the ceremony, which
included two color guards and a lot of Mr. Lorenzo's proud family
members. Ward 6 Alderman Rebekah Gewirtz was very helpful in making the
dedication a reality. Rebekah and Alderman at Large Dennis Sullivan
said some very nice words at the ceremony. I knew Carl, who left us way
too soon, as his son Phil put it so eloquently. Phil made the
dedication his heart's work and you can bet that his dad is proud of
his son. I sure am proud of Phil and I am glad I got to know his dad .
He was like my dad – the father of an aspiring rock musician. They put
up with a lot of crap from us Hall Ave rockers! Add Jake O'Neil – Pat's
dad into that mix also. Our dads should get also get a gold record for
being rock pops. Here's to you Carl!
This just in! Young
up-starts displaying careless and moronic behavior have moved onto my
street! Two creeps almost ran me and my dog over as they bombed into
their driveway. I was walking my small dog and he was sniffing around
the front yard close to the driveway. Then…heart attack time! Are you
kidding me? When I said rather calmly, considering I was still shaking,
"do you know you almost ran me and my dog over?" they laughed and said
I should have gotten out of the way. They jetted into the driveway
going about 25 mph. out of nowhere, obviously speeding at 9:30 pm. Good
thing the dog didn't use the plastic bag I was carrying because I
almost needed it for myself. One of the dopes laughingly says "at least
your dog had the sense to get out of the way." Well, I went all Jimmy
on them and went home. I forgot that I am a 55 year old adult and
responded like a 25 year old kid from Somerville and I will leave it at
that. No. One more thing. I AM from Somerville, born and bred, and this
means I was brought up the hard way – the street way. I have trouble
ignoring situations like the reckless, rude stoops in the junk box who
almost took me and the dog out. What if a senior citizen had been in
front of the driveway? Oh I forgot, I am one! But I did pretty good
considering. I pulled my nutty on them and they went in their house,
probably to drink more beers and hit the bong some more. I had had a
long hot satisfying day doing the right thing with Somerville's
talented kids and I guess I just wasn't expecting to be killed on my
own street at 9:30 pm walking my pooch. Silly me. That's not how I want
to go out. Serenity Now! Serenity Now! (quote from Seinfeld).
am I doing? Want some more? I have been having a great summer since
resurrecting Project Star. The Recreation Commission, in conjunction
with the Mayor's office, gave me the honor of bringing back this
program – which started in 1967 and went until the 80's I believe (I
may be wrong and probably am). At any rate, it's back. We will be
presenting an original mini-musical that I wrote called "Back in The
'Ville" on Wednesday, August 12th at the Somerville High School
Auditorium. The show starts at 7:00 pm and we are adding some very
special surprises! We urge all former Project Star members to attend
and take the stage and tell us briefly about their shows. It will be a
blast from the past and thrill for the present. Admission is free. The
lovely and talented Sophia Carafotes is my assistant director. Any time
you can get a multi-talented member of the Carafotes family involved in
a show, you know it's going to be special.
See, I haven't run
out of material, unless you stopped reading already and there's a fresh
flounder or haddock wrapped in my page in the freezer. I could have
told you all the story of how my dad used to wear Bermuda shorts with
black socks, and black shoes, but I didn't. And about that dog almost
being run over by the idiots thing – I have already let that go – until
So Alan Nissenbaum, my dear pal, if I ever really do
run out of ideas, I can always tell the story of our mutual friend, the
popular and successful comedian from Somerville who use to hop your
fence and steal tires! I'll run out of material the day you run out of
1967 Dodge Dart 225 slant-6-cylinder water pumps!
You can email Jimmy directly at jimmydel@rcn.com.
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