The View From Prospect Hill for July 22

On July 22, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

press conference, another groundbreaking, another bit of news about
Assembly on the Mystic. That's awesome. We know we aren't alone when we
say we want to know when there will be ribbon cuttings there instead of
politicians clamoring for a sound.

For those of us who have
lived their entire lives within a mile of the Assembly Square area of
the city, we have seen many ups and downs over the years with changes
and lawsuits and all sorts of craziness there. It was easy to dream a
bigger dream when it came to the whole area, but it seemed like it
would never happen.

So now there are all sorts of public and
private partnerships involved and federal and state monies being added
to the till to get this thing off the ground. IKEA, two hotels, plenty
of residential and commercial space – and a shiny new Orange Line stop.

In these fiscally difficult times it really is hard to
complain, but in case nobody has noticed, there is a movement afoot to
make sure the Urban Ring – which would tie Assembly on the Mystic
directly to vital businesses, important commercial/industrial areas and
Logan International Airport – be cut short of reaching to Somerville.

can only hope that if there is going to be a Kraft Stadium built in
Somerville somewhere over on Innerbelt Road, that there is enough
political clout with it to bring the Urban Ring at least to the new
stadium – that would just about be close enough to tie it back to
Assembly on the Mystic and really set the benchmark for mixed-use,
smart development for the entire country.


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