Newstalk for July 29

On July 29, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

night, the Holiday Inn was rocking with our own local favorite Marco
Soares and his band "Sex Magic" playing to a large crowd there to help
celebrate Somerville winning the All America City award. Marco is a
local guy with strong roots here in Somerville – where he lives and
works. The band was so good and Holiday Inn was so impressed, they
signed Sex Magic on as the new house band. We're very proud of this
band and you can see them now weekly at the Holiday Inn in East
Somerville on Washington Street. Pictures of the event are in the
center of the paper today. Great job Marco, you've got the beat!


very happy birthday to three of our own here at The Somerville News.
Marisa Tauro, Patricia Norton and grandson Corey Norton are all
celebrating their birthdays today – the 29th of July. A very special
Happy Birthday to all three and best wishes.


in Ward 5 the opponent running for the School Committee seat is out
there knocking on doors and getting a great response we hear. Anna
Lavanga has been showing that she really wants to knock out the
Progressive candidate Mr. Niedergang – isn't he the one that wants to
do away with Good Friday and also thinks that Bunker Hill day is an
"annoying" holiday? In Ward 4, Jamie Norton isn't taking it for granted
either – he has been hitting the streets as well with a group of people
every night.


Don't miss Mayor Joe's fifth
annual Boston Harbor Cruise coming up Wednesday night August 5th (week
from tonight) this years theme is a "70's Disco Cruise" so come decked
out in your 70's attire and have a blast, cause it's going to be
"groovy." For tickets and/or info, contact our own Billy Tauro at


Coming up on August 20th is
a night at the races to be held at Wonderland Park in Revere. The
Somerville Lion's Club has rented out the clubhouse lounge for
Somervillians to enjoy the evening over dinner and even race named
after the Somerville All America City – tickets are only $35.00 pp and
all proceeds go to various local charities here in Somerville that the
Lions support. For reservations, tickets and info contact Somerville
Lion's President – our own Billy Tauro at 617-293-2016. Wow is he busy
with tickets or what?


On a sad note,
former City of Somerville Chief Assessor Dick Brescia, also a long time
CASPAR Board member and former President of the CASPAR board, died
early Sunday morning at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. His family is
requesting that donations in Dick's memory be made to CASPAR. Dick was
a great guy and will be missed by everyone that knew him.


candidate for Alderman at Large is out there campaigning, but rumors
still swirl around his candidacy. Does he live here in the city, and if
so where, since he has several properties we are told both in Ten Hills
and the Avenues. He has a great web site, we checked it out – – he's a busy man, not only the pastor of the
church on Winter Hill, but owns a couple of restaurants on lower
Broadway. We wish him well. We're sure the present incumbents are all
going to be working hard to get re-elected – Bill White, Jack Connolly,
Dennis Sullivan and Bruce Desmond have been very good aldermen. We
still wonder who the PDSers and SCC want to defeat in order to get
their candidate elected. Maybe we'll find out with their so-called
impartial endorsements that they will be handing out to their fellow
PDSers coming up soon. Don't you just love the PDSers – who espouse
transparency and open government?


those curious as to who was the first person to respond with the
correct names of the people in the recent Mystery Photo – it was none
other than the Election Commissioner himself – Nicholas Salerno – who
responded very quickly and accurately. Great work Nick!


to Senator Anthony Galluccio for being the first, most vocal, local
politician to call for some rational thinking in the now infamous
Obama-Crowley-Gates fiasco last week. Senator Galluccio is one of the
more rational thinking politicians on Beacon Hill and we wish he
represented the entire city of Somerville in the State Senate.


Resistat "Wrap Up" meeting is this Thursday evening (July 30th) from
6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Argenziano School. There will be a full
agenda, including an award for community contributors, a small
workshop, comments from the Mayor on the budget process and other
informative items as well.



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