The View From Prospect Hill for September 2

On September 2, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

safety is a big issue these days, not just when it comes to police and
fire protection, but also when it comes to providing a safe environment
for our children to learn in. The city does it's share by maintaining
the buildings and the school department hires enough people to watch
critical entry points, but, the area in which there needs to be more
concentration is one that only the general public can provide.

the scale and complexity of the ongoing construction across the city,
that makes it even more difficult for everyday drivers to focus on
their surroundings. Crossing guards help, police details help, but, we
need to be more aware of our surroundings.

Kids don't know any
different – they're just trying to get to school to learn, see their
friends, be social, whatever their specific motivation – they don't
drive, so they typically have little concept of what kind of damage can
be done by just one vehicle, even traveling at the posted speed limit,
when a child darts out from between two cars.

We at The
Somerville News have had other jobs in our past (and present) that have
required us to drive a considerable amount of miles over the years, in
fact, more than most people. One of us averaged well over 40k miles per
year for a number of years, actually. This kind of excessive driving
allows for someone to make observations about traffic patterns and how
different cities and towns handle construction projects and other
situations that require re-routing of traffic.

That's what makes
living in one of the most densely populated cities in the country even
more amazing. The complexity of dealing with traffic issues because of
the sheer number of vehicles that travel our roads is staggering. Then
toss in a sewer/water line break, a gas line replacement, the
reconstruction of a street after utility work, anything remotely
dangerous in the mix, and still traffic moves along.

These are
some of the things we take for granted – an why sometimes we are
regular every day traveling folk need to take it upon ourselves to keep
an eye out when driving – that means no texting, no applying make-up,
no reading the paper. Pay attention and watch out for children crossing
the street, playing near traffic, riding their bikes – do your part to
make sure we live in the safest environment possible for our children,
even if you don't have any.


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