Newstalk for September 2

On September 2, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff


Kerry is having a "Town Hall Meeting" here in Somerville tonight (the
2nd) from 6:30pm to 9pm at the High School auditorium. Should be
interesting, it's supposedly open to everyone, but we heard a rumor
from more than one person that 700 to 800 supporters of President Obama
are being bussed into the event, much like has been done at other
similar events recently. We like that Somerville has been chosen for
this, but, we also hope that its not just a political puppet-show. On
another note, we wonder why Congressman Capuano didn't have one here?


Governor is submitting legislation to change the rule and to appoint
temporarily an interim Senator until election time, if you are for it
or against it, make sure you let either our State Representatives
Denise Provost or Carl Sciortino know how you feel.


to the Tauro family, owners of Pat's Tow, they have officially merged
with United Road Towing – making Pat's Tow, who service Cambridge and
Somerville and the surrounding area – part of the largest Tow company
in the country. More will follow in the weeks ahead, but we certainly
wish the Tauro's much success in their new venture. Look for major
changes down there in their tow yard over the next few weeks –
including a newly paved yard and new trucks.


very good friend and life long resident of East Somerville passed away
last week, our deepest sympathy to Emille Parson and family on the
passing of her husband Barry. Barry was diagnosed a couple of months
ago with cancer, he came home last week to pass on and did later that
night. He was a good man, very well liked by many people and we will,
along with the others that he has touched, miss him. His wish was to
have no wake or funeral, just to be cremated.


it looks like someone affiliated with the movie production company that
is scheduled to film with Ben Affleck in the Twin City Mall parking lot
apparently read our last weeks mention about it in Newstalk and replied
with this email "Hello guys, hope all is well in Somerville News land.
FYI – that date for filming Ben's movie "The Town" was switched to
September 29th." It's nice to be the most widely read newspaper in
print and online in Somerville.


If you
saw the School Committee meeting this past Monday, you saw an
uneventful meeting, until it came time for items from the board members
– and Mark the PDSer from Ward 5 started talking about running for
re-election and having an opponent. He was quickly gaveled out of
order, as it is was highly improper to speak about that subject in that
venue, and quite frankly he should have known better. Our jaw dropped
at home, we can only imagine the shock that swept through the chambers
that night. Doesn't surprise us – this is the same guy who thought the
Memorial Day Parade would be a good opportunity to get signatures for
re-election. The same one who wants to get rid of Good Friday and
called Bunker Hill Day an "annoying" holiday.


on Bob Publicover, he's doing good, treatment is good – must be
extremely good, because he took off for San Francisco this past week.
We hear he's back now at his favorite coffee shop on Highland Avenue.


news is we will be announcing shortly a new Asst. Editor here at The
Somerville News who will be on board in a couple of weeks in this
capacity. He's a local Somerville resident, again proving we are really
the only local paper with local news. An announcement will be made in
the next couple of weeks.


Omar the
chef/co-owner with Mike at the Ball Square Café are celebrating their
2nd Anniversary of being partners. Two years fly by quickly when you're
busy and your business in this economy is booming. They're having a
party to celebrate on September 17th from 3pm to 6pm – stop by and say
hello and wish them many more years. Actually how anyone can resist
Omar's cooking we don't know, we're huge fans of Ball Square Café.


Somerville Chamber of Commerce is holding its monthly Business After
Hours this Thursday the 3rd. Host is Redbones on Chester Street – the
time is from 5pm to 7pm. It is open to all businesses – both chamber
members and non-members alike and it is great for networking and
meeting your fellow businesses here in Somerville. This month's sponsor
is East Cambridge Saving Bank, hosted by Business After Hours Chair
Michelle Mulvena of Moschella & Winston.


Somerville Chamber of Commerce will be holding its Fall Golf Classic on
Monday, September 21st starting at 11am at The Georgetown Club.
Registration goes from 11am to Noon, then Shotgun Start. Lunch, 18
holes of golf, golf cart, bag drop, contests/prizes, professional
scoring. Dinner & Awards Ceremony immediately following.


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