By George P. Hassett

A pair of crooks known to police for breaking into local homes were busted last week as they tried to sell their stolen goods at a Broadway barbershop, police said.

Graziano Mellone, 32, of 67 Jaques St., and Manuel Leal, 31, homeless, were arrested at the Broadway barbershop Goodfellas trying to sell a stolen camera to customers, police said.

Police said a witness saw Mellone and Leal exit the victim’s Central Street home and jump a fence as they ran away from the building with their hands full of items. Police said Mellone and Leal stole 23 dvd’s, the victim’s diary, a silver ring, two cameras, an ATM card and a knife. Police estimated the value of the stolen and damaged items in the apartment at $3,500 including $500 of damage to door locks.

Two officers in the area were doing surveillance on suspects in multiple break-ins in the area – including Mellone and Leal. The suspects were spotted on Broadway entering the barbershop.

The witness identified Mellone and Leal as the men who broke into the apartment. Mellone and Leal were arrested and charged with breaking and entering in the daytime for a felony and possession of a burglarious instrument.


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