USNC and Rafi Properties announce CBA update meeting for Somernova

On January 20, 2025, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Union Square Neighborhood Council (USNC) and Rafi Properties announce details for a Community Benefits Agreement update meeting for Somernova set to take place on Wednesday, January 22, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., the Argenziano School Cafeteria, 290 Washington St., or via Zoom. RSVP via Interpretation will be available in Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Spanish both in-person and online. 

This CBA will unlock further benefits associated with the proposed Arts and Innovation Sub-Area Zoning to be filed by the City of Somerville following the Central Somerville Avenue Planning initiative led by the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning & Community Development to preserve and grow the arts and climate-tech industries. 

USNC and Rafi Properties kicked off the official CBA negotiations in July 2024. Over the past six months, USNC and Rafi Properties’ negotiating teams have been working towards a consensus around community benefits that best represent the community’s vision for their neighborhood and can be implemented through the future campus expansion. 

USNC held two well attended CBA Summits in March of 2024. The information received from these Summits and hundreds of community conversations and listening sessions have informed the USNC and Rafi Properties’ discussions throughout the CBA negotiation process.

“The USNC and the CBA negotiating team are happy to report on the progress of CBA negotiations with Rafi Properties. We look forward to the opportunity to hear from participants who attend the January 22 meeting as we continue to build on the success of our past CBA negotiations with developers in the Union Square area,” said Emily Doran of the Union Square Neighborhood Council and member of its negotiating team.

“We’re excited to share a progress update about our CBA negotiations with the USNC with the community,” said Kristin Phelan, Vice President of Real Estate Development for Rafi Properties. “The feedback received at the Community Summits and through hundreds of stakeholder conversations have been invaluable in shaping the CBA negotiations between Rafi Properties and the USNC. Thank you to the USNC for their collaboration throughout this process.”

What are Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs)? 

The USNC’s first CBA Summit Report from 2018 defines a Community Benefits Agreement as “a legally binding agreement between a real estate developer and a community group in which the developer agrees to provide certain benefits or to offer certain terms in exchange for the group’s support of a project in that community.” Community Benefits may be distinguished from other “public benefits” in that: first, Community Benefits are specifically negotiated for, and may not be direct consequences of the development as originally envisioned; second, a CBA is negotiated with the community in which the development is to take place, while other public benefits might be negotiated in the context of the broader municipality or the State.

CBAs are typically negotiated to lessen any adverse social, environmental, or economic impacts which may be anticipated to arise from development or to obtain specific amenities, programs, labor-related concessions, or cash transfers desired by the community. CBAs have been used to negotiate for enhanced affordable housing requirements, good local jobs, job training, green space, sustainable building practices, community space, etc. 

About USNC

The mission of the USNC is to shape the future of Union Square as an increasingly inclusive and vibrant neighborhood and commercial center built around the aspirations of the people who live and work here. The USNC has successfully negotiated CBA agreements with US2, DLJ, CV Properties, and others that fund vital services like Somerville Community Corporation/ First Source, Somerville Community Land Trust, Union Square Main Streets, and other community initiatives.

About Somernova

Deeply rooted in the neighborhood vibe of Somerville’s Union Square, Somernova is a 7.4-acre mission-driven campus for innovation and community designed to help people and companies iterate and grow faster. Owned and operated by Rafi Properties, Somernova houses an eclectic tenant mix including Greentown Labs, The Bouldering Project, Form Energy, The Engine by MIT, Aeronaut Brewing, Sublime Systems, Eden Geopower, Commonwealth Fusion, Tank Design, Tender Foods, De-Ice, Fleet Robotics, Transera, Better Future Project, Somerville Bike Kitchen, Somerville Media Center, Riverside Community Care, Carolicious, Mimi’s Chuka Diner, Somerville Chocolate, The Studio for Sculptural Arts, and The Dojo @ Somernova. While their work spans vast industry sectors, our tenants share in their collective commitment to making the world a better place for everyone. For more information, visit

About Rafi Properties

At Rafi Properties, we believe community is the future. As a next-generation real estate development, ownership and investment company, we are dedicated to driving innovation and empowering change through our global development portfolio. Intentionally designed and thoughtfully programmed from ideation to delivery, our properties foster creativity and enrich the communities around them to drive positive transformation. For more information, visit


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